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People should not think,that if they will eat extra then the stomach wanted,then they will have a good sleep. If they will go on regular basis,is no good for the body,because they will problem in digestion and the slowly you will become fat.

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suraj you need to improve your english. we are not able to understand you english.

you should say that, Deepak even this happens to me, even i won't get sleep.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

light food like khichdi or rice item and glass of warm milk will give u a sound sleep. And you should eat before 7.30 because digestion power weakens in late evenings.
Take two rotis and have a hot milk so you will get better sleep.

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Eat rice in the dinner., Rice have carbohydrates and can tend you to sleep.
Eat rice with curries and dont forget to have curd which makes you sound sleep.

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Never take pills for sleeping as they give side effects.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

yes pills should be avoided as far as possible as they can be addictive and bad for health some times.
Meditation will give a peace of mind and good health then you will get sleep soon.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

also proper exercising and yoga also help in giving sound sleep and help you keep mentalyy and physically fit.
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