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Nobody knows when he will die. So, there is no way you may fix time when you will give. The best way is to constantly give what you can. Of course, you will be receiving also. The ideal way is to give more than what you take. This you may ensure by never taking loan and spending less than what you earn.

I know i am not that great moreover i can't do any such thing which make people remember me but i always think that i should leave things for my kids more than what i got from my parents. :)
I still remember my first year classes and our first dissection, I felt so pity about the donated body which were kept on dissection table.
I still remember my first year classes and our first dissection, I felt so pity about the donated body which were kept on dissection table.

Firs year in post graduation? So you are a MD or MS, Is that so? Nice meeting you Ahmad. That means we have a doctor on board apart from other professionals.

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Who am i to give the world anything? Whatever i do,which is good,is indirectly given to the World.
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Who am i to give the world anything? Whatever i do,which is good,is indirectly given to the World.

Our bad things too :P :P :P

Meera sandhu
Hi Robin
Frankly specking I always thought to donate my eyes so that any buddy can see this beauty full world with my eyes but the problem is that my parents wont be allowing me to do so...
What we brought while we came, what shall we take away with us. Take what we have all is yours.

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What we brought while we came, what shall we take away with us. Take what we have all is yours.

I am a common man so i can't give anything to the world after i die except memories that for short period after then everyone i know will forget them too. :laugh:
That is nothing I am giving to any one but this is how big people say. You know I have already given every thing to my daughter. My will is ready.

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