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It is really very shocking news. It was not expected from such a reputed member of boddunan. Now it is disclosed how he has earned his reputation. It is a need of hour to scrutinize all his articles and remove them if they found to be copied from somewhere else. It is a case of plagiarism. Just see how much money he has earned by doing this counterfeiting.

Boddunan authorities should be very serious regarding this issue.
They should send a strong message to all the members who are involved in such condemnable activities.

Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
Thanks for your supportive mind to my opinion.Once some model action taken repetition will not be there.

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I think he has accepted his mistake and he will never repeat it..
I think its time to stop this discussion..
What you say guys..

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right jobin.
all i can say that everybody deserve a second,

forgive and move on... :)
Yes...He had given chance again.He is posting in forums.That means he hadn't banned permenantly.

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