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In CNN-IBN, there are discussion that in some of meetings of RG, people are chanting slogans against him, and why this is happening, the things to ponder upon as people are realizing that it is time to act and not give various different objectives, people want actions not tokens and for this it is time for politicians to see and realize that people are changing, and now the entire perception needs to be changed for politicians classes and especially the party in power.

I think the problem of our politicians today that they rather stubbornly refuse to accept the fact that India today is radically different from what it was when it became free. Today's youths are empowered with education and all technological weapons. They won't simply buy anything and everything because of marketing blitz! If a section of a shrewd political class is under a delusion that selling Rahul Gandhi would ensure protect their interests they would be in a for rude shock very soon and as for Rahul Gandhi he must be aware of machinations of 'chamcha' and boot-lickers, the sooner he gets rid of them, the better and do some serious thinking if he is at all cut out for it!!!
People are following them in his party because of money power and if they do not have that so money no one would follow them as he is not a charismatic leader and the one point that is closing on them is the power of money.

We will see a lot of sspeeches in the coming days as we gear up for the general elections - I have a feeling that most people will avoid them unless they have a special regard for the individual...In my opinion, all these speeches should be put to an end and whatever campaigning the parties want to do should be done through debates and dor to door meetings...Why make the entire city suffer because some party lleader wants to bore people with their speechhes which mean nothing !

This the problem with efforts at promoting mediocrity in public life. I still believe that leaders are born and not made. The finest leaders of the people which history records, have had that rare quality of standing out amid the sea of people with their distinctiveness of any kind. If we are superimposing leaders from the top, all these superficial exercises are bound to fail and flop as it happened in the past!!

I agree. Leaders are born. They can't be manufactured.

This is very true. Politicians have many experts called "Political Gurus". They keep guiding them which helps them a lot. I would say that a person who has least idea regarding politics can become great with such advises.
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