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Yes, Every student make books their true friends.....No other friend needed...
Yes, Every student make books their true friends.....No other friend needed...

No everything has its own importance friends too are required in life although books may be your best friend. :)
Yes, Every student make books their true friends.....No other friend needed...

And these books are at your beck and call. They will be with you anytime any place.
Books have a different world full of knowledge, and provides better learning dashboard.

How is it possible?
Yes it’s possible through Book reading. Books are the cheapest source of knowledge. They are the windows to the world. They take you to any place on the globe in a Jiffy. No need of a Passport.
Reach out for a Book
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Digitals : Rambabu

Interesting topic the first instance I did I miss a such a
Yes, I agree, a well written book, a highly detailed book can take us anywhere through its vivid description.

“A mistake is a crash-course in learning” – Billy Anderson

How is it possible?
Yes it’s possible through Book reading. Books are the cheapest source of knowledge. They are the windows to the world. They take you to any place on the globe in a Jiffy. No need of a Passport.
Reach out for a Book
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Digitals : Rambabu

Interesting topic the first instance I did I miss a such a
Yes, I agree, a well written book, a highly detailed book can take us anywhere through its vivid description.[/quote

So, what's stopping you? Go to your Book stall and buy "Around the world" and roam to your heart's content.
Books teach us good things and never ask anything for return. We study books and get knowledge but if we teach something to illiterate people they will also get benefited.
Knowledge acquired through books or otherwise should be passed on to the needy.. That is Humanity.
I feel best way to visit any place is U tube.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I feel best way to visit any place is U tube.

You should have a computer to view Youtube. Books are cheaper than a computer.
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