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We cannot eliminate natural calamities like Earth Quake and floods. What we can do is to properly manage disaster quickly. Man is definitely not supreme. Yet he must do whatever he can.  

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Agreed, we cannot eliminate natural calamities. But preparedness can reduce the loss of Men & Material. This iis the aspect that makes a vast difference. Japan, in this respect stands high in Preparedness for any eventuality.

For now, the priority should be save as many people as they could as life is precious and one needs to respect it to a considerable extent. With every natural calamity there are many new things to learn and remember for and many new ideas should be implemented in creating the new city, only then we would guarantee a safer place for future generations in times to comes otherwise the same state would be felt by future generations which we were observing to.

The issue is what's the bragging man's worth before the mighty nature. We see humans brag about their achievements and even go upto the extent of saying that they conquered Nature. Is this true?

We definitely cannot conquer nature, it may seem so in small measures but when you take the larger picture statements such as conquering nature seem ludicrous to say the least...The only wise thing to do is go with nature rather than against it and face its wrath !

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Aptly said Usha. Wisdom lies in going with the nature.

The size of man amongst whole universe is not even millionth size of atom, that goes on to show how weak we are in front of nature, fear it and resepct it.

Absolutely. Man stands nowhere before the mighty nature.

Many cities of India are in prone to Earth Quake.  Delhi is very high risk city. There are many cities especially in The South that are less dangerous. Thus we have an idea about where we need to be more cautious. w can't avoid quakes but can ensure that buildings are quake resistant. The multi storey  buildings are riskier.  Also in risky places, the disaster management arrangements need be always on alert. Like fire fighting practice, there should be quake management practice also. .


G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Gulshan Kumar Ajmani wrote:

Many cities of India are in prone to Earth Quake.  Delhi is very high risk city. There are many cities especially in The South that are less dangerous. Thus we have an idea about where we need to be more cautious. w can't avoid quakes but can ensure that buildings are quake resistant. The multi storey  buildings are riskier.  Also in risky places, the disaster management arrangements need be always on alert. Like fire fighting practice, there should be quake management practice also. .


Exactly sir. Northen cities especially Srinagar are in the high risk zone indicated by the numerical 5. Lowest risk is indicated by numerical 2

 Many Southern cities fall under this category 2.


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