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Prejudice, perception and honour are important reason why many murders take place. However this case does not reflect the state of the Indian society and seems to be more of a psychosomatic in nature by a woman who suffered at a very young age and was thus insecure and seeking security.

Contrary to your opinion, It's an example of old beliefs, superstitions compounded by poverty. For example even today many parents believe that It's only a son who can bring the parents Moksha or salvation. Such beliefs are in the roots of killing the girl child. Additionally poverty is also a contributing factor for such of barbaric deeds.


Do not blame poverty. It is the rich and educated who practice killing or aborting the girl child.

If it is not poverty, it is due superstitions prevailing in Rich. I will tell a case which happened in Vizag. A Doctor in the Hospital run by Vizag steel plant has consulted the Almanac for an auspicious time for performing a critical operation. Ultimately the poor patient died.


As per orthodox it was destined. Killing a girl child is not superstition but a well practiced practice to avoid the burden of dowry. Thatis why Hinduism should cleanse itself before pointing fingers at others.

Destiny ? What's it ? The very word is a superstitious mind's watch word. It's not the Hinduism that needs a change. It's the people's frame of mind that needs a change. Can you show me where in Hinduism was mentioned a Girl child should be killed. On the contrary, Hinduism venerated the Girl child and described her as Lakshmi. Yesterday was Vara Maha lahshmi Pooja. This explains all


In fact no religion teaches violence , all religions teach peace and love but human beings have interpreted it that way...But again with time whatever becomes accepted becomes the norm and thats how religions have become corrupted and many practices have creeped in and now have become firmly established as religious practices. There are evil practices among all religious sects..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Self styled pseudo religios leaders , God men and God women are the root cause for this plague. But, I don't blame these pseudo religious leaders. What they are doing is simply en cashing the peoples gullibility.

Greed, ambition and misplaced notions of honour and prestige may drive a person to commit extremely sordid deeds. While it is quite difficult for us to accept that a mother kills her child but I think this particular case is quite unusual and different in the fact that Mukherjee herself was subjected to quite sexual harassment at a young age and her children were brought up by her parents. So she may quite probably never have had any maternal instincts but only hatred for them as they were a result of her own agonising experience. And yet even then, the question still remains as to what could have driven her to kill another human being in such a horrible manner???

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

I feel that either the woman cannot look beyond her greed for fame and money and lavish lifestyle and would sacrifice anyone who stands in her way including her children or else there is more to it than meets the eye ! Everyday a new angle is being added ...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

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