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Yes that's true at the end it all depends on what you believe in.

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It is not a matter of belief.. It is a fact..GOD is everywhere whether do u believe it or not..
God is supreme personality..

A blind person can't see sun.. does it mean sun doesn't exist?

Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
Kumaresh- A blind person cannot see Sun but his skin will feel it. The scorching heat will compel him to take shelter under a tree or elsewhere.
But there is no such thing with God. Not only we do not see, we also do not hear, smell or any way feel him. Is there a way to experience him with any of our physical attributes? If not, what is basis of belief in Him?

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

That is my point.. A blind person can not see but he can feel sun.. Same way we also can feel God... His omnipresence... His omnipotence... His mercy.... His creation.... list is endless..
because He is away from beginning and end.. He is Ajanma...

Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
Kumaresh- You have well described the concept of God. You say he is not born and is without beginning and end. The same is true of nature as well. If nature and soul are also ajanma, there is no creator as such. Bhagwat Geetha says that soul is ajanma. Thanks for your nice elucidation.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

nice description given by the members & yes i too believe in god.
By definition, God is all omnipresent and omnipotent. This means that he is everywhere and is all powerful. But the there is Satan also. Satan is said to have his own empire that is opposed to God. If Satan exists, the existence and power of God ends where Satan's begins. There are many Satan followers also. God is neither omnipresent nor omnipotent in view of Satan. Thus there is no such thing as omnipresent and accordingly, there is no God.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

When the discussion seen I just looked the date of post.Then itself I felt a repetition smell and here as Chinmoy first pointed it is a useless re-discussion.

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Ya i do believe in god....or u can said i believe that their is some positive energy which is always made its presences in some way or in other
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