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Me also using Avast. It will be automatically updated. Also, user friendly.

Meera sandhu
apart from the threat of virus....your system may still get infected by malwares and spywares...these directly attack the host better have a software to remove them too.....normal antivirus would not easily detect them.....

apart from the threat of virus....your system may still get infected by malwares and spywares...these directly attack the host better have a software to remove them too.....normal antivirus would not easily detect them.....

I formatted my system full and did fragmentation just 1 month before and then installed full programs and new antivirus. So, I think, some another problem. :whistle:

Meera sandhu
Be carefull those who are using net Antivirus is must.Don't go for free.Purchase any antivirus like quick heal or kasperasky .This is my suggestion.Many times free antivirus does not work against latest which comes through net.
antivirus is a must for all those using internet.. i like kaspersky and bitdefender antivirus.
No ram This Is not always Right I use Avast free Version For Over Year and It perform Very Nicely for Me.But you alway update it for newer Version.
Can Anyone give me a name of a antivirus that save me against internet virus. can you suggest a free link for that where i can download setup file.
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