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Yes some times this happens now he must think a lot to cover this one.

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My father makes me feel better when I am sad. He motivates me. He makes me laugh and totally divert my mind to some other task. We are like best friends.
Swetha welcome to Your topic of discussion is interesting. If you post your topics under correct category, I hope this will make it more interesting.
Spouse will be first choice but if the reason of upset is spouse then girlfriend.If the reason is due to both then another option .

I have just one thing to say regarding this. Girls who hankers after such men are foolish who later cries a loud, blaming her boyfriend.
I invlove myself in other activites,so that i forget about what has made me upset. This is how i repel the upset mind and brings happiness which was interrupted for sometime.

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I invlove myself in other activites,so that i forget about what has made me upset. This is how i repel the upset mind and brings happiness which was interrupted for sometime.

You are right. Even if there are several persons around us who are so near, we should try ourselves and keep our mind strong. We should find our own solution.

Sometimes, I use to sit alone if I feel bad. It really helps me a lot. Some times busy in prayers and so on.........

Meera sandhu
Keep yourself involve in some activites,this will make you happy. Don't think much. Just erase the negative thoughts from your mind and try to think in the positive manner.

Want to make each day Accountable

My husband is my only option as there is no one else around....its always him whatever my mood be..

Keep yourself involve in some activites,this will make you happy. Don't think much. Just erase the negative thoughts from your mind and try to think in the positive manner.

I think to get that positive thought, we should attain some mental ability or energy which we can attain in a world, we are only present...... the time when we are ourselves the most.It is when we are alone. In that time, we can think over that matter, if faults occurred from our side, can I find a solution...and so on.

Usually I never cry before people. It is really a great shame for me. I think so.

Meera sandhu
hey sandhya,it is okay to cry it is just an outlet of sorrow we bury. we feel lighter and better. crying out clears our doubts,washes our eyes and refreshes the brain too!

Thanks devyani sorry for not keeping in correct category, i didnt realise it!

Swetha Shenoy
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