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If i got a site that pay is more than the boddunan then i like to quit boddunan and join other.
You have a unique identity in Boddunan. Facebook is just a crowd of members in a social site often using abusive language and indulging in useless chat. I deactivated my facebook account several months ago.

Just last night there was a TV news about suicide of a gill who could not digest the contents of message of her friend.

Boddunan is on the other hand a site of knowledge, intelligent articles and discussions. Facebook is primarily a gossip forum. Moreover, Boddunan has no rivalry with Facebook. The Boddunan members are free to join facebook as well.

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The no one will show interest in quitting from this site i never leave from this site.

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there is no website like boddunan, so i wont quit it at any cost

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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