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It is difficult to write some words in English.Still it may write 'paer" rather than "peru"

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It is difficult to write some words in English.Still it may write 'paer" rather than "peru"

Abid, you can write "pyeru" instead of "paer" and "peru"

It is difficult to write some words in English.Still it may write 'paer" rather than "peru"

Abid, you can write "pyeru" instead of "paer" and "peru"

Ya....paer sounds similar to 'paer' of hindi.....meaning foot :P
Vinod, you are more right.
Pyeru sounds more good.....pronounce 'r' as 'Raath or Raavan' That's all :)

Meera sandhu
i speak sowrastra also.. :whistle:
My name is vinodh
En pyeru vinodh
Moori naaw Vinodh

i am vinodh
Naan Vinodh
Mee Vinodh

What is your name?
Unga Pyeru Enna? (asking to seniors or elders)
Thumberi naaw kayaa

What is your name?
Un pyeru enna? (asking to youngsters)
Thoori naaw kayaa

What is this Sowrashtra? Of which state? Doesn't seem to be a South Indian Language. :huh:
Kaay/Kaaya...means raw banana in Malayalam ;)

Meera sandhu
Aapka Naam kya hai? Hindi
what is your name please?
Twada Naam Kee eh? Punjabi
Aap ka isme shareef, Janab? Urdu
Tomar nam ta kee? Bengali

In any any of these languages, my name is same 'Sunil'

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Sandhya akka., sowrastra is a language which speaks on Gujarat. On south india you can find the language more on Madurai. :whistle:
On Madurai there is separate collage & schools are their. :cheer:

Also you can find sowrastra people most on Salem, Dharmapuri, Thanjavur, Paramakudi & Kumbakonam.

Aapka Naam kya hai? Hindi
what is your name please?
Twada Naam Kee eh? Punjabi
Aap ka isme shareef, Janab? Urdu
Tomar nam ta kee? Bengali

In any any of these languages, my name is same 'Sunil'

Verygood Sunil.

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Sandhya akka., sowrastra is a language which speaks on Gujarat. On south india you can find the language more on Madurai. :whistle:
On Madurai there is separate collage & schools are their. :cheer:

Also you can find sowrastra people most on Salem, Dharmapuri, Thanjavur, Paramakudi & Kumbakonam.

So, we can learn a little Sourashtra from you. I think, it's a different one both from north and south.
Kannan, can you give colours' name in Sourashtra

I want to learn Tulu.....a language spoken by Brahmains only. Do you know a little?

Meera sandhu
White - Hujal
Black - kalo
Red - Hullovoo ('H' silent - its very difficult to write on english)
Orange - orange
Yellow - hadulno ('H' Silent)
Rose - Rose
Blue - nelam

White - Hujal
Black - kalo
Red - Hullovoo ('H' silent - its very difficult to write on english)
Orange - orange
Yellow - hadulno ('H' Silent)
Rose - Rose
Blue - nelam

I think 'Neela/Neelam' is common for all Indian languages. Isn't it?

Meera sandhu
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