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Thanks for this information. Everyone will aware then its will help us in future from hackers and harm.

Santosh Kumar Singh


Welcome Mr.Santhosh Kumar Singh.I think this will be more useful to software engineers like you and will be able to share with your friends and co workers.

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Just as we delete history, is there some way for deleting clip board before turning off the computer. I hope Abid will answer this.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

thanx abid. I too use copy and paste method while surfing the net.
This is very much useful caution....

Thanks 'n' Regards,
thank you for this

Hello Abid,

Thank you for providing the much useful information. I copied some data using ctrl+c and checked in that link. But i didn't seen the copied data. can you tell me why it is happened ??

Cool information and hot earnings @
thank you for this
Very good information shared.In fact we must never use keyboard when we are doing online banking.

i would like to answer your question.There is a freeware called ccleaner.It is one of the best freeware ever known.using it, you can delete every unwanted data, starting from the browser history to clipboard, with a click of one from
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