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Will I get my answer?
Or should i answer this funny question??

Meera sandhu
No I will share banana with elephants and have banana party with them.

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No I will share banana with elephants and have banana party with them.

But sarala is asking from where will you get banana?
What about coconut leaves??

How a coconut will work???

Meera sandhu
By throwing coconut on their head we can escape from them . When I am going to forest I will buy bananas.

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By throwing coconut on their head we can escape from them . When I am going to forest I will buy bananas.

If a lion comes in front of you instead of an elephant? :P :P :P

Also elephants are now more in our places than forests. Where are forests??? :evil:

Meera sandhu
I am surprised to read, is that true if we throw coconut on their head they will spare us?

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Sasi know it well because he frequently visit elephants at forest!!!!

Meera sandhu
I thought coconut works as a bomb in case of elephant, I am not sure though.

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Elephant love to eat coconut as it is ,Its the speciality of elephant
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Okay so their attention would diver towards coconut and they will spare us, good point.

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