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Having ginger tea is good for digestive system which helps in digestion. Besides it makes you fit.

Born to express, not to impress.
Ginger tea is useful to clear the throat in cold to clear the voice as sometimes the throat is chocked due to cold.
Ginger tea is very good for the health.It prevents us from cough and cold.

Sharmistha Banerjee
Taking ginger tea warms up the body. Most beneficial to persons having Vata dosha to maintain their body temperature.
Ginger tea relieves stress, fights against respiratory problems, encourages blood circulation, boosts immunity and combats stomach discomfort. Hope I made this clear.

Born to express, not to impress.
Thank you said by: Mary
Ginger tea relieves stress, fights against respiratory problems, encourages blood circulation, boosts immunity and combats stomach discomfort. Hope I made this clear.

These much of benefits. It is really good..
Thank you said by: RobertP
Ginger tea is very beneficial for our health and it give relief in cold. If in tea add 2-4 leaves of rose it also give benefit to those persons who are more tensed and in depression.
It is good for cough and cold patients .
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