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We know that cigarette causes. But do milk and conventional meat also find in same category. Here is research.
A good research, and study finds about dairy and meat products should not be taken in plenty, but it failed to tell about what specific kind of dairy and mear products, perhaps further study is going on and it is trying to find more exact and specific food items.

Excess consumption of Milk and its products and Meat were never Health friendly. And about exact quantity can never be defined as Human body construction varies from individual to individual. It's only through self experimentation what quantity is suitable and what not. In the place of Meat Fish is advised for better immune strengthening.

I also fel that it is better to eat eggs regularly and fish only in extreme winter cold.

Eat egg. But avoid the yellow portion of it.. You can eat all along the year go for fish if they are available excess in your place. I live in a place where river and sea fish are abundantly available. I will never lose this opportunity and eat plenty of fish. And it's good for your eye sight too.
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
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