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I like to drink black tea without sugar. At first I didn't like the taste but soon with daily consumption I learn to love its slightly bitter taste. It is more refreshing than the normal milk chai.
I like to drink black tea without sugar. At first I didn't like the taste but soon with daily consumption I learn to love its slightly bitter taste. It is more refreshing than the normal milk chai.

We have to compromise some times in order to reap the benefits offered by a thing. Any good thing will have a fair share of qualities that may not be accepted by all.If you want a rose, you should learn to accept it along with it's thorn.
Drinking tea without milk and sugar in it will help our heart channels to remain clear and will avoid heart diseases like angina pectoris. It's a little difficult to imagine our morning tea without milk and sugar but these sacrifices in long run may prove very beneficial health wise.
Drinking tea without milk and sugar in it will help our heart channels to remain clear and will avoid heart diseases like angina pectoris. It's a little difficult to imagine our morning tea without milk and sugar but these sacrifices in long run may prove very beneficial health wise.

Of course perseverance and consistency play a vital role here. Giving up in the middle will not help in any way.
I do not drink tea or coffee at all, green tea has so many important functional characteristics, great to learn and this can make me write article on my website.

Often we need to choose between health and taste. Some prefer taste whereas others are health conscious. However, combination of two will help satisfy people of both the groups.
I do not drink tea or coffee at all, green tea has so many important functional characteristics, great to learn and this can make me write article on my website.

Green tea's virtues will make a good subject for an. article
Thank you said by: mohan manohar
Cocoa drink looks promising. Cocoa powder is easily available in market. I have not tried it but eager to do so.
Thanks for the great info. Honetly, you have given me a new topic to write article on. I will try to write it, time permitting. Thanks!!!
As said by you, it's a good topic on which useful article can be written.
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