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Yes Kalyani now its time to create new polls and one should not repeat the same. Lot of repeations are there.
Creation of polls should be complimented with more cash credits. ;)
Sometime back we have had many creative exercises in poll section which are not observed these days!
[quote]Sometime back we have had many creative exercises in poll section which are not observed these days! [/quote]

Chinmoy, if you have any ideas, do share them with us!

[quote]Yes Kalyani now its time to create new polls and one should not repeat the same. Lot of repeations are there.[/quote]

Yeah Rajani, I guess they will have to be double checked before approving, but it looks like not many polls are being submitted!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

did we get cash credit for creating polls. i don't think so. it is not mentioned in the list of earning cash.
Dear isha,

We never had any cash credits for creating polls till now only points are awarded.
Now I am polling but most of them crossed the date.Why are these not delete?
i face the same problem to i have akso no poll to poll on them.
Yes, I think something needs to be done so that the members get the same interest in creating polls as they get in other sections of the sites which earns them awards and contests!!!
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