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I feel paskisthan is just playing games by telling like that to hang kasab

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Actually everyone want to end Kasab chapter but due to rules of kanoon he is safe in Indian jail.

Santosh Kumar Singh


Kasab is now a very big terror for india and pakistan want to save him but india will not agree to leave him.
Why this is happening the government wont give even a single rupee to any one but they spend more money to terrorists.

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Why this is happening the government wont give even a single rupee to any one but they spend more money to terrorists.

this is due to the mistake of the indian constitution. the judiciary is to be blamed ..not the government..
Judicial sloth has created such an anomolous situation - not only in his case the government has been sitting tight on some cases with no apparent reason!
[quote]Judicial sloth has created such an anomolous situation - not only in his case the government has been sitting tight on some cases with no apparent reason! [/quote]

Judicial system is way too too slow for no apparent reason. Afzal Guru is still after nearly a decade of the attack on the parliament!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)


In Guru's case it's the goverment which should be put in the dock as the court hascleared his case long way back!

In Guru's case it's the goverment which should be put in the dock as the court hascleared his case long way back! [/quote]

Oh Yes! My apologies! his case is pending with the president now!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

That's ok,Kalyani!
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