Boddunan must look into this form of spamming. What do you say?
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I agree. It is no use burdening the site with same content just to get more points. If you have already given your views on a topic and have nothing more to add, it is no use continue writing. This is definitely spamming.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

That's right,Gulshanji! I find little addition of value in some of the posts either in the form of new facts or opinion - just parroting the same thing over and again!
Yes if you have a some good point of the forum topic then discuss otherwise post a new topic.
There is an urgent need to suitably modify the present method of selecting leaders in a week. I would suggest that the present automatic gain of 5 points with a single post be discontinued and this is encouraging spam posts. Let there be a system of evaluation of posts at the end of the week based on their value and points be accorded accordingly. Otherwise we have to live with the painful fact that some members occupying leadership positions without making any substantial contribution.Spammers too would learn that spamming is a less gainful activity!
I agree totally with Chinmoy. This kind of spamming is really very irritating and no matter how many times you request a person doing it to stop, there is no heed taken at all. It is as if the person does not understand the meaning of your words. If the format of selecting weekly leaders is changed, then may be we could have more spam free forum posts!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

I think it's the only way to fight this problem which is creating a very funny situation! There is a post the author seems oblivious that it is not 'adhense', it is adsense!!
You have raised a very logic point through this post. I believe that points should be given to members according to the quality of posts rather than five points altogether for a single posts. This very fact lures the members to post repetitive and meaningless posts in order to gain more points. Besides, the present method of choosing weekly leaders needs to be given a look. These are some of things that needs immediate attention to revive the quality of forum...!
This is right thing raise by Chinmoy Dada.I am totally agree with him.Repetitive posting is not good,but many times unfortunately it is posted.
Thanks Ajay and Ram Prosad! What is curious is that while we are discussing it, these kind of spamming goes on! I have been here for long enough to observe the activities of some of these members whose association with the site mercifully normally doesn't span for more than a few months! But honest and hard-working members suffer a lot in the process.
Ceeem you repeat one thing that spamming must be stop in that forum you express the same thing in different word is it not a spamming.
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