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Yes I too got it successfully but that is too common to take notice of.

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In this year 2012 everyone will celebrate his or her birthday on the day of birth.

Not a new thing Isha in year 2011 also everyone celebrated their birthdays except those who were born on 29th Feb but they celebrated on 28th Feb. :laugh:
My birth time is near about 5:00 PM and now calculate. are attam....
Is it your photo Ram?
I find a resemblance of that friend with you.....not slim....a little dark.....ha ha
But can't tell much about that people :)
Yet, you are a silent person....not angry or quarrels as normal man. Am I right? :)

Meera sandhu
My birth time is near about 5:00 PM and now calculate. are attam....
Is it your photo Ram?
I find a resemblance of that friend with you.....not slim....a little dark.....ha ha
But can't tell much about that people :)
Yet, you are a silent person....not angry or quarrels as normal man. Am I right? :)

I am so glad to read your conclusion about normal man. You mean normal men are those who quarrel a lot? Thanks God I am not normal. :laugh:

I love this free image hosting site for sharing my work

Sunil....again you changed your profile picture :woohoo:

Normally, men have less patience than women. Even if he can't find a thing wrongly placed anywhere by him, he will shout at his wife. Isn't it? Also, men get angry easily...(lose his temper suddenly). But Ram is not like that :cheer: He is like our Ram of Ramayan, remains silent.

Meera sandhu
You didn't post your reply yet. Am I not right???

Meera sandhu
@ Sandya You are right and yes the profile picture is of mine.
I don't like quarrel and most of time I avoid it.MY wife call me Bhitu.
@ Sandya You are right and yes the profile picture is of mine.
I don't like quarrel and most of time I avoid it.MY wife call me Bhitu. are Atham born...
My brother-in-law's newborn boy is also Attam :)
Our onam celebrations starts with attam of first month-Chingam and ends on the 10th day...Thiruvonam star....
Hence it is known as Thiruvonam/onam

Meera sandhu
Atham is good or bad? discuss some more about it,
Atham is good or bad? discuss some more about it,

Of course not a bad one. But I don't know much about it since I know only a few people having this star.

Actually all stars are good. Depending upon the time of birth, his luck, unluck and fate changes

Meera sandhu
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