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When I feel nice, I may choose some bright colour while dull colours may attract me when am sad

This is obvious. When we are sad, we like nothing except the thing we like most. I look at my favourite colour, I feel better and gradually become happy to remember any good past incidents of my life.
Since I am no color blind therefore colors have every importance in my life. Most colors are mixture of different colors so there is no special liking or disliking for the same.

This is same with many people. The main colours are red, yellow and blue. All other colours are created using these two. Which one you may like among the 3? You may also opt for white which contains all colours. :) ;)
Colors are important in life those who don't like them are people who are not happy with their lives.I like Blue and green.

My mind is pure white. When I get angry I stop thinking of coloring it
My mind is pure white. When I get angry I stop thinking of coloring it

White is considered to be pure but sometimes it is also considered as blank. :woohoo: :woohoo:
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