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Well..i think Morning walk with diet foods are also good for weight loss.

Morning walks are excellent for health, however, you cannot post any links here even in the guise of a name...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
Well..i think Morning walk with diet foods are also good for weight loss.

Morning walk is good for health but by only walking one cannot reduce weight for weight loss one should do brisk walking or I would say jogging and some yoga asans and diet is the best to booster to along with the exercise as I am overweight and joined an aerobic and yoga centre but it very hard to reduced weight... :(
stretching your body, performing exercises, walking are the best for fitness and weight loss. Good diet with fresh vegetables and fresh fruits

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

I want the member who are interested in this topic please join as in todays scenario no one is taking care of health and fitness, Resulting in different diseases in a very young age, like diabetes ,thyroid obesity etc.
How can one get time from his busy schedule for himself and avoid diseases.....

Saying ' Busy' is a lame excuse. With determination, one can squeeze from the existing time 24 hours. Can anyone be more busy than some of the successful people, who maintain sound health despite their fierce busy schedules?
Can you tell something about thyroid. My brother has diabetes that he controls. Now he is also diagnosed for thyroid though this is in initial stage and not acute. He has consequently pain in neck. Can this also cause swelling of feet. .

Thyroid is often attributed to increased physical activity. My suggestion is to stick to natural ways. Foods rich in A vitamins like Pumpkin, green vegetables and carrots will help in proper functioning of thyroid gland.
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani

Thyroid is often attributed to increased physical activity. My suggestion is to stick to natural ways. Foods rich in A vitamins like Pumpkin, green vegetables and carrots will help in proper functioning of thyroid gland.

Thyroid hormones influences the basal metabolic rate and hence attributed to physical activity.
I agree that vitamin A is essential for the normal functioning of the gland. Also thyroid hormones are essential for the conversion of beta carotene to vitamin A.
the remedy to gain fitness and weight loss is practicing exercises and having fresh fruits and vegetables and healthy food. Try to avoid junk food, fat content food, oil food and high caloree food.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

stretching your body, performing exercises, walking are the best for fitness and weight loss. Good diet with fresh vegetables and fresh fruits

@sarala I m working so hard to reduce weight from past one month but its not working I donot know whats going wrong.... :( :(
Well i think yoga is one of the natural treatment for fitness. But keep it in mind that the yoga instructor should be highly professional. Because a wrong step can sink your fitness down.
Thank you said by: charmingkids17
Going by walk to nearby places is also a good exercise. We are addicted to use vehicles
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