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When you eat sensibly cutting down on fat and carbo and increasing fibre and proteins, and drink lots of water and do some exercise on a regular basis it is not difficult to lose unwanted weight and also maintain your weight ...

Its veryeasy to say that control on food but its very difficult to do but i am really trying very hard to get in my proper shape ....
Hoping for the best results...

Yes it very hard to control on food, when it is available to us. I am taking only two meals in a day. Break fast and dinner. In between no tea snakes or any thing only water. It is possible for me because I am spending whole day on my shop. On holiday at home I feel hunger. Don''t quit food but change your eating habits.

“Moderation Mantra “ works. And it should be supplemented with a regular exercise not more than 10 minutes a day will keep anyone in good shape. And all along it should be consistent.
When you eat sensibly cutting down on fat and carbo and increasing fibre and proteins, and drink lots of water and do some exercise on a regular basis it is not difficult to lose unwanted weight and also maintain your weight ...

Its veryeasy to say that control on food but its very difficult to do but i am really trying very hard to get in my proper shape ....
Hoping for the best results...

Yes it very hard to control on food, when it is available to us. I am taking only two meals in a day. Break fast and dinner. In between no tea snakes or any thing only water. It is possible for me because I am spending whole day on my shop. On holiday at home I feel hunger. Don''t quit food but change your eating habits.

“Moderation Mantra “ works. And it should be supplemented with a regular exercise not more than 10 minutes a day will keep anyone in good shape. And all along it should be consistent.

Consistency is one thing for which I have to struggle a lot. :huh:

Live in the present :)
When you eat sensibly cutting down on fat and carbo and increasing fibre and proteins, and drink lots of water and do some exercise on a regular basis it is not difficult to lose unwanted weight and also maintain your weight ...

Its veryeasy to say that control on food but its very difficult to do but i am really trying very hard to get in my proper shape ....
Hoping for the best results...

Yes it very hard to control on food, when it is available to us. I am taking only two meals in a day. Break fast and dinner. In between no tea snakes or any thing only water. It is possible for me because I am spending whole day on my shop. On holiday at home I feel hunger. Don''t quit food but change your eating habits.

“Moderation Mantra “ works. And it should be supplemented with a regular exercise not more than 10 minutes a day will keep anyone in good shape. And all along it should be consistent.

Consistency is one thing for which I have to struggle a lot. :huh:

In the absence of consistency, you are left with labour only. No results.
That is true I even end up stressing myself when I loose consistency in my exercise regime. Half the health and stress problems are solved if we follow a good exercise regime and a nutritious diet plan.

Live in the present :)
Can we use green tea to reduce body weight? If yes,how to drink it? otherwise say the reason for no...

Green Tea is no doubt good because of its nutritive qualities but it is not a solution since weight reduction needs dedication and one needs to do other things as well ...

Other things means we should follow a perfect diet plan along with green tea,right? madam,when should we drink green tea for weight loss?(asking about the timings)
That is true I even end up stressing myself when I loose consistency in my exercise regime. Half the health and stress problems are solved if we follow a good exercise regime and a nutritious diet plan.

As far consistency is concerned it takes only 20-30 minutes to workout your regular routine 3-5 days a week. If you are not going for bodybuilding procedure, normal jogging and walking along with few systematic exercises are sufficient to keep fit.

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