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Of course we need support of near and dear ones. Without their support we won't be able to succeed. Whether it's trouble time or a happy moment, moral support of friends and family members are always there, that inspires us, and influence our lives. .

They say, 'No Man is an island'. Every member in the society is dependent on the other member.

This dependence bond us with each other.

True. When we know each one of us needs the support of the other for survival, the bond becomes stronger.

Bond always becomes stronger once we support someone. :)

Some people are made differently, they take advantage and forget the one who helped them selflessly.

Ungrateful people are there everywhere. But here everybody should know, even a gold platter needs the support of a wall for it to stand. Mutual dependence is the norm of the society. No man is an island.

Some people think support is their right and they ignore the one who supported them reach to paces they did.

Ignore such people. They don't deserve support.

I have my path selected, I will keep on supporting whether they accept it or not. I find my ways satisfactory.

Best attitude. Go ahead. cheers

You see maybe one day they will understand my point and value my efforts.

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Of course we need support of near and dear ones. Without their support we won't be able to succeed. Whether it's trouble time or a happy moment, moral support of friends and family members are always there, that inspires us, and influence our lives. .

They say, 'No Man is an island'. Every member in the society is dependent on the other member.

This dependence bond us with each other.

True. When we know each one of us needs the support of the other for survival, the bond becomes stronger.

Bond always becomes stronger once we support someone. :)

Some people are made differently, they take advantage and forget the one who helped them selflessly.

Ungrateful people are there everywhere. But here everybody should know, even a gold platter needs the support of a wall for it to stand. Mutual dependence is the norm of the society. No man is an island.

Some people think support is their right and they ignore the one who supported them reach to paces they did.

Ignore such people. They don't deserve support.

I have my path selected, I will keep on supporting whether they accept it or not. I find my ways satisfactory.

Best attitude. Go ahead. cheers

You see maybe one day they will understand my point and value my efforts.

Whether people understand you or not,follow your heart.
though we are strong enough, but in some situations we need some support of some one who can give confidence to us to be strong

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

though we are strong enough, but in some situations we need some support of some one who can give confidence to us to be strong

Yes sometimes moral support is required by us just to feel that someone is behind us in difficult time.
though we are strong enough, but in some situations we need some support of some one who can give confidence to us to be strong

Yes sometimes moral support is required by us just to feel that someone is behind us in difficult time.

Besides moral support, we need at times physical and financial support also.
though we are strong enough, but in some situations we need some support of some one who can give confidence to us to be strong

Yes sometimes moral support is required by us just to feel that someone is behind us in difficult time.

Besides moral support, we need at times physical and financial support also.

Financial support is something which people often give even though there may be a better understanding among them. I normally don't ask for financial support from people and I pray God that I may not require it in future too. :)
Thank you said by: suni51
though we are strong enough, but in some situations we need some support of some one who can give confidence to us to be strong

Yes sometimes moral support is required by us just to feel that someone is behind us in difficult time.

Besides moral support, we need at times physical and financial support also.

Financial support is something which people often give even though there may be a better understanding among them. I normally don't ask for financial support from people and I pray God that I may not require it in future too. :)

I know you don't ask financial support because you are a rich guy working in a big company and also you don't want to support others in case they need it from you. Simple. :)

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though we are strong enough, but in some situations we need some support of some one who can give confidence to us to be strong

Yes sometimes moral support is required by us just to feel that someone is behind us in difficult time.

Besides moral support, we need at times physical and financial support also.

Financial support is something which people often give even though there may be a better understanding among them. I normally don't ask for financial support from people and I pray God that I may not require it in future too. :)

I know you don't ask financial support because you are a rich guy working in a big company and also you don't want to support others in case they need it from you. Simple. :)

Financial soundness is not the be all and end all. If that's so tell me why the most charismatic and richest star Marilyn Monroe of Hollywood ended her life? She had everything, but a grain of moral support. Remember how the mighty tusker was released from the net by a tiny mouse ?
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
though we are strong enough, but in some situations we need some support of some one who can give confidence to us to be strong

Yes sometimes moral support is required by us just to feel that someone is behind us in difficult time.

Besides moral support, we need at times physical and financial support also.

Financial support is something which people often give even though there may be a better understanding among them. I normally don't ask for financial support from people and I pray God that I may not require it in future too. :)

I know you don't ask financial support because you are a rich guy working in a big company and also you don't want to support others in case they need it from you. Simple. :)

How did you know this? :laugh:

BTW I support people whom I think need my support but mind you its not easy to find out if people really need a support. :laugh:
Thank you said by: suni51
though we are strong enough, but in some situations we need some support of some one who can give confidence to us to be strong

Yes sometimes moral support is required by us just to feel that someone is behind us in difficult time.

Besides moral support, we need at times physical and financial support also.

Financial support is something which people often give even though there may be a better understanding among them. I normally don't ask for financial support from people and I pray God that I may not require it in future too. :)

I know you don't ask financial support because you are a rich guy working in a big company and also you don't want to support others in case they need it from you. Simple. :)

How did you know this? :laugh:

BTW I support people whom I think need my support but mind you its not easy to find out if people really need a support. :laugh:

I know you are right but still you'll not support me when I would need it most.

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