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In a multicultural country like India which culture is to be considered appropriate, Great persons of one era are vilified in another era. We see in forums persons of one philosophy brutally decry cultures they do not like. We do not have ideological unanimity among our political discourse. Education is tampered with by different political parties when they come to power. So, first we must decide what is our culture and then it should be accepted by all and not tampered or abused afterwards.   

India has its own culture and tradition. We have to follow our tradition and practice our children to follow the same. Otherwise, we will lose the valuable culture of our country. The influence of foreign culture is the main reason why we forget our own beautiful culture. Today's children like to wear western style dresses and dislike to wear Indian style dresses. They give prime importance to English and forget about their mother tongue. It is not good. It is the duty of each parent to practice their children to follow the culture of their own country. But I never tell anybody to stop wearing western clothes and to stop speaking English, give same importance to Indian languages and its culture.

It's Hindu Rashtra. Our culture is undoubtedly Hindu culture. Jataka tales, Ramayana are to be taught to  the children.


That is according to you but not as per the constitution. 

WELCOME. You are entitled for your opinion.


If we are not united on constitution how can we be on common culture.It can not be either my culture or you are WELCOME.  

It is a fact that most of the people in our country are Hindus. But our constitution give equal importance to all religions. Each religion has its own culture and tradition. They have the right to follow their customs. It is difficult for Muslims and Christian to follow the Hindus. We should respect the people of other religions and should make friendship with them. India is a democratic country. 

. Because as you said, Hindu population is more, Hindu culture should be taught in the schools. If you are a Christan, there is no wrong in teaching about Hindu Culture to your children. I studied in a Missionary school and I learned about Christian culture in the schools.

It is not teaching Hindu or Christian culture, what has to be first agreed is the nature of our composite culture that should be taught. It will have good points of all cultures. If only one culture is taught then it will be resisted as Jincy Aby has rightly stated.

Chikdren are taught what the parents have learnt regardless of religion. It is traditions, customs and values that have been passed on through your elders that we need to pass on to our children.This may have some religious practices and customs too which would naturally be different to different people . As long as people don't overstep their limits and don't become judgmental about others beliefs and customs while upholding theirs as the best , things would be fine..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

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