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A nice tip to get your hair stron.

Take Some Reetha soak in hot water over night and wash your hair with it in the morning.

Try this it will make your hair stronger and stronger.

This is really a cool one from Sasi and consider worth giving a try. I find people doing it with good effect...!
Sasikanth can you please tell me what is this Reetha ? Is that a substance or seeds

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Sometimes our diet, deficiency of vitamins and certain kinds of medicines are responsible for hair loss.
Can any one explain how to avoid hair loas. Now-a-days teenagers are loosing their hair in their early 20-30's itself.

How to avoid it??

Avoid stress as much as possible and don't think too much about anything.
Try to take alot of care.
First of comb your hair daily but don't do over combing.
Try to have more water.
At least apply oil twice in a week and wash your hair twice in a week.
Eat good healthy diet.
Don't think much and always keep your mind peace.
Maintain your weight according to your age.

Try to do this exercise every day that is - Sit on the ground, stretch your legs forward straightly then stretch your hands forward then try to touch your toes with your hands but dont bend your knees while touching the toes and even try to touch your knee with your fore head.

this exercise will show your the difference. Hair loss will control as the blood circulation in the brain will be good and your nerves will relax and the hair will grow.

Nice and useful tips shared. Thanks for sharing. These are very much necessary because nowadays, due to work pressures, many people end up loosing their hair.
as i came to know from one of my friends is that avoid using shampoo's as it has full of chemicals. this will affect our hair root and make them dead. so, avoid shampoo and use herbal products.

Precaution should also be taken not to use hair blowers or drier too often as they tend to cause damage to the hair and its texture...!
as i came to know from one of my friends is that avoid using shampoo's as it has full of chemicals. this will affect our hair root and make them dead. so, avoid shampoo and use herbal products.

Its not always true. It depends on hair and its reaction to shampoos. My roommate had started loosing his hair because of oil. When he stopped using oil, this problem resolved.

So, it totally depends on your hair and how it reacts.
You take proper care of your hair and safe them from dust and pollution wash your hair with good shampoo.
Washing your hair with tap water is good, this avoids hair falling

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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