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yes, you are right. and some people feel sentimental if anyone sneeze, then are goingc they stop the work which they are going to start.

The reason for saying "Long live" is a sneeze has taken an individual already to the brink of death. So elders will say "Chiranjeeva" or long live.
True many treat a sneeze is an ill omen.
Now i understood clearly, why people say chiranjeeva when we sneeze and why people say to not to start any new work when anyone sneeze and while going out if anyone sneeze, elders say to come inside the home and have some water and go. All these are beecaus when we sneeze our heart stops for a minute milli second so it is not good and it is apasakun we say in hindi and telugu. So they say live longer and they say stop the work for some time

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

When i sneeze, i always think that my beloved or any other is remembering me or reminding about me.

Want to make each day Accountable

haha, ronark, it happens when you get hicubs not when you sneeze.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

When one sneezes , the heart doesn't stop beating. Its just the myth . Its said that there are changes in the blood flow due to which the heart rate changes .So its the feeling that the heart has skipped a beat.

Thanks :)

Renu :)
When one sneezes , the heart doesn't stop beating. Its just the myth . Its said that there are changes in the blood flow due to which the heart rate changes .So its the feeling that the heart has skipped a beat.
Heart skipping a beat is as good as heart stopping for a while literally.

Thanks :)
its only the FEELING of the mind . there is no heart stop even for a millisecond. there are heart rate changes .thats only due to inhale and exhale of air

Renu :)
its only the FEELING of the mind . there is no heart stop even for a millisecond. there are heart rate changes .thats only due to inhale and exhale of air

So someone felt as if his heart has skipped a beat (It may not be real),That's why he says "Bless you". Here the point of discussion is, "Why someone says BLESS YOU" when a person sneezes.
Sorry to have diviated from the topic Rambabuji.
One explanation to this is during the 6th century when plague took most of the population in Europe sneezing was said to be the cause of the spreading plague.
So people then said ''God Bless You' in hopes that people dont fall prey to plague after sneezing. Some even said 'God Bless You' to bid farewell as a final blessing .

Renu :)
Sorry to have diviated from the topic Rambabuji.
One explanation to this is during the 6th century when plague took most of the population in Europe sneezing was said to be the cause of the spreading plague.
So people then said ''God Bless You' in hopes that people dont fall prey to plague after sneezing. Some even said 'God Bless You' to bid farewell as a final blessing .

Thank you Renu. I knew something new besides what i knew
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