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Normally, i prefer to write only one article at a time. But at times when I start getting dissatisfied with the way it is turning, i leave it aside and start afresh another new article of different topic. But as i never write any of my articles at one sitting, I keep working on both the articles at different time depending on my mood and thoughts.

I also work on more than one article at a time. What happens is when one gets stuck in one thing, we have something to write at the other end. So, one doesn't even lose time. I have maintained this system for myself for many months.
I can write two articles at one time, one smaller and other longer, but normally I prefer to write only one at a time because no matter how careful one is, there are higher chances of mistakes in all articles you write at a time. So it is better to tackle one at a time.

Reminds of an incident that happened with someone I know - she was writing 2 or 3 articles at the same time and probably the material got mixed up and she realised this only after she got it published ( in that site one can publish one's own articles after you reach a certain level ). She had to edit it after quite a few members read it and wondered what exactly she was trying to say >.. :laugh: :cheer:

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Thank you said by: shadow
Most of us here are writing articles since a long time ...One of my friends from another writing article site was teling me that she work on and writes at least 5 articles at the same time ! Honestly I cannot do it.The most I can do is to jot down ideas for would be articles, while working on about you all?

I am not a perfect writer and also have not enough experience of writing. But I think one should be focus on one article.
Thank you said by: usha manohar
Normally, i prefer to write only one article at a time. But at times when I start getting dissatisfied with the way it is turning, i leave it aside and start afresh another new article of different topic. But as i never write any of my articles at one sitting, I keep working on both the articles at different time depending on my mood and thoughts.

I also work on more than one article at a time. What happens is when one gets stuck in one thing, we have something to write at the other end. So, one doesn't even lose time. I have maintained this system for myself for many months.

I do the same, mostly concentrate on one article but at times I get some inspiration to write on another subject and make notes and keep developing it.However, I always make sure that I finish the previous article before concentrating on the other...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Normally, i prefer to write only one article at a time. But at times when I start getting dissatisfied with the way it is turning, i leave it aside and start afresh another new article of different topic. But as i never write any of my articles at one sitting, I keep working on both the articles at different time depending on my mood and thoughts.

I also work on more than one article at a time. What happens is when one gets stuck in one thing, we have something to write at the other end. So, one doesn't even lose time. I have maintained this system for myself for many months.

I do the same, mostly concentrate on one article but at times I get some inspiration to write on another subject and make notes and keep developing it.However, I always make sure that I finish the previous article before concentrating on the other...

The same here. I too complete one article and only then start with the next one. That way it is easier to finish off work. And at times more than 2 full articles can be completed in one single day apart from the regular work.
I also prefer concentrating on one article at a time.. I helps improving quality of article

Life is a box of Chocolate, You never know what you gonna get.... :)
Wow.. That sounds difficult to me already. Right now I guess it is impossible for me, I can only work with one at a time.

And where had you been my friend? I think since I am active here, you aren't to be seen. I am sure you are busy writing articles and loads of them... ;) :P
There are some excellent writers who are able to give complete attention and write 2 or 3 articles a day, all brilliant stuff ! But that is a very rare thing since they do only that and have become veterans at it. For most others it is a balancing act doing house work and other related chores, attending to a job and spend whatever time we get to write articles, so writing an article per week is the best I can do...I wish I could write at least an article a day if not more !

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

There are some excellent writers who are able to give complete attention and write 2 or 3 articles a day, all brilliant stuff ! But that is a very rare thing since they do only that and have become veterans at it. For most others it is a balancing act doing house work and other related chores, attending to a job and spend whatever time we get to write articles, so writing an article per week is the best I can do...I wish I could write at least an article a day if not more !

I think mnay of us fall in the second category. I am sure you too do the same - look after the house and be active in writing articles as well. So, it is natural to concentrate on only one thing at a time.
There are some excellent writers who are able to give complete attention and write 2 or 3 articles a day, all brilliant stuff ! But that is a very rare thing since they do only that and have become veterans at it. For most others it is a balancing act doing house work and other related chores, attending to a job and spend whatever time we get to write articles, so writing an article per week is the best I can do...I wish I could write at least an article a day if not more !

I think mnay of us fall in the second category. I am sure you too do the same - look after the house and be active in writing articles as well. So, it is natural to concentrate on only one thing at a time.

True ! Thats why I wish I get uninterrupted 3 -4 hours a day when I can sit and concentrate on wrtiting an article a day....I know that can never happen since there are a dozen odd things that needs to be done ! :dry:

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

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