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It is attitude and mindset more than anything else.China is the most populous country in the world but look at the kind of enthusiasm the people have no matter what age group they belong to...I guess culture and customs too contribute to this !

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Last year we had gone to Goa for a holiday and we used to go for a walk / jog early in the morning on the beach where we used to see an elderly European couple who were no less than at least 70 years of age jogging and exercising .The way they worked out was amazing ! I got talking to them later , and you felt so refreshed because they were very knowledgeable and had visited many many places and learnt about ifferent cultures and so on. Even my children loved interacting with them since they were able to speak on varied subjects...does age matter at all when it is the personality and attitude of a person that really counts ?

That's a great example. I have seen some elderly foreigners like you in our area as well, who are indeed very fit. When I look at them, I wonder will I even live up to that age! I loved speaking to them as well as they were here for visiting an ashram and looked totally spiritual in nature.

I would love to hear about their age whom you met. I am sure the foreigners you met were over 80. generally the retirement age is 70 in most developed countries and in Japan there is no fixed age for retirement as they can go on work as long as they wish or health permitting. People do not sit idle even after that age but remain as active as possible.

Well, above 70, yes, though not 80. But most of them were above 75. And they didn't look their age, to be honest. And for me this is the first time to hear that the retirement age in developed countries is 70 years. Probably they have less population than us, that oculd be the reason.

fact is, they need very few people for government jobs but most work is in private sector where personal health plays crucial role. In developed countries only policing, army, health and taxes are in government sector. People want to live a healthy life here because no one but they themselves are to look after them. Most people do not have children and yes population is very less here. The population of Australia is only 1 crore 90 lacs which is 5 times bigger than India in area.

I thought that population might be playing an importnat role and you said as I thought. India is nowhere near as compared to what you said here.

No it is not due to lesser population but people are health conscious and love to stay fit and healthy. They try every trick of the trade remain young forever.

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