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We are still going strong with 20+ online visitors' count...

quite impressive traffic as compaired to that we had before a couple od days back.

Harish Jharia
Here the count of Onilne users is 20, as of 29th Dec at 9 PM...

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Hai Friends,

Now the time is 09:02 PM. Here the count of Onilne users is 20. 2days date is 29th Dec...

Its quite good to see the count!

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Now the time is 2.10 PM and today is 31st december. Just one day before new year. Now the count is 23 !!!
Hey it is 25 right now at 2:12pm...

How pleasing... we are continuing with online visitors count in double figure and all the time above 20.

Harish Jharia
This thread is a big HIT.Congrats Harish bhai

So let me have the privilege to post the count at the exact time of the birth of 2010.

Its 1st JANUARY 2010 : Time: 00:01 -> The ONLINE USERS COUNT is 9
Thanks MC for loking this thread and recording the online visitors count at 00:00am 2010...

Harish Jharia
Maverick might consider to get sticker to this thread as it is recharging visitors and motivating them to be on line for prolonged periods.

Harish Jharia
The online visitors' count continues to be in double figure...

It is 18 right now- 18

Harish Jharia
Thanks Maverick, for providing sticker to this thread and recognizing its impact

Harish Jharia
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