Articles [General]

Who is going to make a paper or a talk of it, may be spent in finding a fun and suitable topic. Yet there are many interesting subjects to come, sometimes they are very obvious and sometimes they are just very original. Read on to see what...

Julia was scared instead was absolutely terrified. She had been to a party and had done something dumb. It started with herself and friends started drinking. She came across this cool guy and knew his name nothing else much. Since she was drunk...

One of the interesting but difficult things for a student in higher education should do is write a thesis. Many students look like a beat that mountain, but fortunately there are tips and techniques that facilitate the writing of a thesis. While...

Two or three times a year it's that time again: the exam period is approaching! Stress among students and parents. How best to avoid this, read below 10 simple tips. Exercise, nutrition, planning, relaxation, sleep, order, schedules, reward,...

Here I have discussed some tips on how to plan and face examinations without fear and tension.Tips for Students1.Always stick to a time schedule for studying daily lessons.It is from my practical experience that studying during morning hours helps...

Delegation - Delegation is a process by whichmanagers transfer formal authority from one position to another within an organisation To delegate means to grant or to confer .To delegate does not means to surrender authority Characteristics...

Obstacles to Delegation (a)Difficulties on the part of superior 1.Absence of control Lack of control that warns of coming troubles may also hinder the Delegation of authority 2 Lack of ability to direct The superior may like to...

In reality, there are no rights without corresponding duties and no doubt without corresponding rights. The condition of all the society is displayed in the condition of its students. If society, also including the government does not protect the...

A college magazine can have an opportunity for budding talents among students to start with their apprenticeship as would be writers or journalists. One should start developing the art or craft or writing from early youth. A college magazine acts...

I think culture, religion, ethnicity is very important in one’s life. They must know where they’e from and who they are. Everyone belongs to somewhere around the world, even if they took birth in another country, they still originated from...

Every society, modern or primitive, possess stories about its origin and past. More often than not, these stories explain how things came into existence, for example, the earth, the sky, the god’s, animals, and even man himself. When stories such...

Plastic is very common thing in usage.The use of plastics is everywhere for every person. Although it appears that plastics make our lives easier and has become essential elements, certainly there are people who are unaware of how essential...

Thousands of road accidents recorded per year are due to drunken drivers. Under the influence of alcohol, the driver and the car have the ability for becoming most lethal weapon. They pose a hazard to themselves as well as the public on the...

The cause of Economic Problems are as follows 1 Weak infrastructure - The underdeveloped countries lack an adequate & efficient means of transport & communications , a well organised & developed banking system & adequate facilities for technical...

Non economic factors which will govern Non economic development are as follow 1 Maintenance of law & order - the duty of the goverment is to provide for maintenance of law & order situation in country so that there is smooth conduct of...

The pedagogy is concerned with education. Another name for teaching pedagogy is education, pedagogy and educational science. Someone called a pedagogue pedagogy exercises. If you need skilled educator with children and young people can handle....

Nature Of Economics 1.Not science but an art:Economics is not only a science but also an art.It is science in its methodology & an art in its application 2.No ethical disassociation- Economics cannot be disassociated from...

The Causes Of Economic problem are as follows 1 Weak infrastructure- The underdeveloped countrieslack an adequate & efficient means of transport & communications ,a well organized & developed banking system & adequate facilities for technical...

The jojoba is an evergreen desert shrub that grows in South west America. It is drought –resistant. Its seeds are composed of liquid wax which is used as a substitute for sperm oil (a lubricant).   The redwoods are among the tallest trees in the...

Technological progress & economic Development go hand to hand .when we experience a rise in national income & the per capital income of the country then we say that there is an economic progress or development .economic progress or development in a...

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