Articles [Yoga & Excercises]

It is good to take morning walk in the morning as it gives us fit for the whole day and also well for our health and heart. Daily 30 minutes walking is enough to get rid of many Heart problems. Here are some tips which are good for all as it...

It would be nice to work a muscle to burn fat from that, but really did not: many people think that doing abdominal exercises will burn fat abdominal muscle and incur two errors: abdominal exercises by themselves will not make you lose fat located...

There is an idea of going to gym running through the brain of every person at least once in lifetime. Becoming a millionaire (if possible, without hitting or blow), linking the boy/more handsome/a high school, learning English (no doubt the...

    Some of us used to stammer in the childhood and turned normal after growing in teens. Some people keep stammering even in their older age. This peculiar ailment is connected with our psychology and as such, there is no medication to cure it....

Exercise Usually understood by "physical exercise" that physical activity has a specific biomechanical structure that is oriented towards achieving a goal that may be in the entertainment, health or sports. "Physical Activity" is not synonymous...

Pregnancy is the most important period of a women’s life and it brings several changes in the physiology of the body. A number of discomforts accompany these stages. Some of the common discomforts and their remedies are discussed...

Body building tips are so plentiful that you could fill numbers of thick manuals discussing all of them. 1.Your clothes in gym must allow you move freely and safely. 2.Do not wear Muscle shirt.T-shirt is prefferable. 3.Drink water in regularly...

Fitness and Tummy Reducing Friends tummy reducing or abs building is considered as one of the most desired thing in this universe. Everyone wants to look good and attractive and this happenes when your abs are fit (no extra fat). But the question...

Women are considered as the treasure of a nation and wealth of every home. The success of each and every family lies in the women of that particular home, which in turn is the secret of development of a nation. Each and every woman should come...

                                                           Benefits of pushups! Pushups are single most effective exercise for improving overall body muscle. A beginner who is doing pushups for the first or second time might feel them really...

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