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I personally have not provided any of these to my children. We encourage them to go out and play. My husband and I got at and play cricket or tennis with them if none of their friends come out.  My son got his first phone when he entered the Med school, only because it is far away.  My children don't watch TV either .. it depends on what how we bring up children and what we encourage them to do. I agree all their friends have all those things you mentioned and much more. I personally don't see a need for them. 
9 years ago
Mafia groups, in order to promote their Agricultural products depict chemical ridden pesticides as be all and end all. This leaves a deep impact on the unsuspecting farmers.  
9 years ago
We are much more influenced by International companies, who sold their products in India like chemical fertilizers, chemical pesticides. They first prepare good ads and then through media and television they spread their ads in all areas of our country. So people see their ads, and without the knowledge of their harmful effects farmers start using them on large scale. So our government should spread awareness about the organic pesticides and organic fertilizers.
9 years ago
Children today seem to be so much into these PSPs, iphones, game downloads and the likes that it is a matter of concern...what ever happened to going out and playing ? I see very less children who go for outdoor games. Even if they gather in the evening, at least one of them is seen carrying a video game which all of them take turns to play!
9 years ago
Lopamudra wrote: rambabu wrote: With all said and done, all the aspects you pointed points out to one single factor, "Erratic, irrational education system." Teachers are implementors of the policies laid out by the department of education.. The real culprit is " Policy Makers. "   I don't think we can be that harsh with the policy makers. The intentions were good..they wanted to have more children in school and provide at least the basics. It was also accepted by the schools at that time thinking it may do well. It's a different matter that it didn't work out as expected .So, reverting back seems to be the only option. Smriti Irani's decision still pending I guess or is it already announced? A policy is not a matter meant for a day or two. It's supposed to see many years if not generations. A wise policy maker uses his forethought and makes policies. "Expecting ", hoping, Ifs and Buts are mere excuses. And who are our Policy makers ? Illiterate, thick skulled species who call themselves as Ministers. Winch is why  I hold responsible these policy makers for today's pathetic condition of the education system.      
9 years ago
Sofs liked a reply to the topic If time rewind and turn back.....
9 years ago
rambabu wrote: With all said and done, all the aspects you pointed points out to one single factor, "Erratic, irrational education system." Teachers are implementors of the policies laid out by the department of education.. The real culprit is " Policy Makers. "   I don't think we can be that harsh with the policy makers. The intentions were good..they wanted to have more children in school and provide at least the basics. It was also accepted by the schools at that time thinking it may do well. It's a different matter that it didn't work out as expected .So, reverting back seems to be the only option. Smriti Irani's decision still pending I guess or is it already announced?    
9 years ago
Yes. definitely. You are entitled have your own opinion.  
9 years ago
I agree with what Kalyani said. Why ancestors, even today in remote villages eat natural food. Why a cave man lead a healthy life ? Because he ate what nature has given. He drank water from streams sans industrial wastes unlike today.  
9 years ago
usha manohar wrote: Lopamudra wrote: @ Usha, yes the infrastructure In private schools and govt schools can not be compared which does lead to a lot of difference but It is also true that a school Is good or bad depending on its results which in turn Is dependent on its teaching staff. Parents want the best for their children or so It seems based on the Interactions I've had with people from different places. If the school results have been good they aimto put their children there sbject to clearing  stiff competition to get into these schools eith admission tests and so on...not talking of the new age scools but the old good schools do not really charge that high either...I have myself studied In Kendriya Vidyalayas , central govt schools, throughout and have taught on adhoc basis at times . I have found these schools to be doing really well in places where the teaching staff is good. In fact even now, the KVs are producing great results , their curriculum Includes NCERT books which cover the syllabus for competitive exams. So, cant really generalize...there is a side which raises concern but the entire education system can not be held at fault     There are certain rules and regulations that are applicable while enroling students into Kendriya Vidyalaya since it is meant for central government employees children or for those with transferable jobs etc .So, even though it is really good and well run, all through India majority of the people cannot send their children there even if they want to .So the only option would be to send them to expensive private schools.If we had better state run schools, this difference between the state run and private schools would decrease and even middle class people would look readily at that option Coming back to the topic I feel that as of now India needs a system that needs uphaul right from the ground levels before experimenting with the education itself thereby diluting the quality   Got your point. Was just trying to emphasize that govt can provide good reasonably good infrastructure and education if they really want to.I do agree that state run schools have a long way to go and govt needs to pay more attention there.  
9 years ago
I would like to leave this at that.  I have expressed my point of view.
9 years ago
With all said and done, all the aspects you pointed points out to one single factor, "Erratic, irrational education system." Teachers are implementors of the policies laid out by the department of education.. The real culprit is " Policy Makers. "  
9 years ago
One of the other basic reasons for allergies has been the  the genetic modification of crops. They not only brought in pests as in the case of BT cotton fields but also changed the whole natural cycles around destroying the natural flora and fauna. As Kalyani said our ancestors only used natural methods to grow crops and to destroy pests. The other thing they did was to allow the soil to rest and replenish itself, like she pointed out they allowed cattle to graze and naturally nourish the soil with their waste. Today we have crop after crop and the soil is denuded of all nutrients and we have to resort to chemicals to grow them faster.   
9 years ago
9 years ago
Lopamudra, I was mainly talking about ICSE and state syllabus which I am familiar with.   Even teachers who are dedicated need the time and the energy to cover the syllabus in a short time frame. It would make more sense to cover a few important topics thoroughly before proceeding to the next. The system should  lessen the syllabus to allow this.  The child would also feel comfortable and move ahead with ease.  There would be no need for parents to run from pillar to post taking their children for tuitions.  It could bring teachers a lot of satisfaction and motivate them to do better.  The system needs to be fair both to teachers and students.   
9 years ago
Sofs wrote: The educationalist of this country are a confused lot. They heap up the syllabus  without understanding the child age or needs. Oftentimes they set the standards so high. This does not allow for conceptual clarity and ensuring that the there is sufficient time to lay strong  foundations. Then they say don't detain children and make a farce of exams and the educational system itself.  There is no logic or rationale to their approach.  Indian education system is overflowing with foolish policies. As if this is not enough, ignorant parent also adding more woes to the already bad education system.  
9 years ago
Lopamudra wrote: @ Usha, yes the infrastructure In private schools and govt schools can not be compared which does lead to a lot of difference but It is also true that a school Is good or bad depending on its results which in turn Is dependent on its teaching staff. Parents want the best for their children or so It seems based on the Interactions I've had with people from different places. If the school results have been good they aimto put their children there sbject to clearing  stiff competition to get into these schools eith admission tests and so on...not talking of the new age scools but the old good schools do not really charge that high either...I have myself studied In Kendriya Vidyalayas , central govt schools, throughout and have taught on adhoc basis at times . I have found these schools to be doing really well in places where the teaching staff is good. In fact even now, the KVs are producing great results , their curriculum Includes NCERT books which cover the syllabus for competitive exams. So, cant really generalize...there is a side which raises concern but the entire education system can not be held at fault     There are certain rules and regulations that are applicable while enroling students into Kendriya Vidyalaya since it is meant for central government employees children or for those with transferable jobs etc .So, even though it is really good and well run, all through India majority of the people cannot send their children there even if they want to .So the only option would be to send them to expensive private schools.If we had better state run schools, this difference between the state run and private schools would decrease and even middle class people would look readily at that option Coming back to the topic I feel that as of now India needs a system that needs uphaul right from the ground levels before experimenting with the education itself thereby diluting the quality
9 years ago
I write for a couple of Publishing agencies in my place They pay me well. I strike a balance between the work of this site and my local agencies never failing in my responsibilities. It's a question of effective time management.  
9 years ago
Since I write on other sites as well I have to prioritize well in order to be able to make significant contributions to all the sites I work on. My focus has shifted from my own sites to other paying sites for the time being.
9 years ago
It implies, if one is busy during morning hours, one has to find a solution. You either wake up early or shift your walking or exercise to a convenient time that suits you. If one is interested really there are many options.  
9 years ago