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Yes when some one dies in young age leaving little children behind, people tell those children your parents have become stars.

Yes that's true my parents also used to tell me in childhood that when someone dies become star after they die.I don't know if it is true. :)
When i was small i used to see stars and moon in the sky......But now busy schedule of life stopping me to watch stars and moon.............Falling stars fulfill our wish as far as i belief i am not talking about others........
When i was small i used to see stars and moon in the sky......But now busy schedule of life stopping me to watch stars and moon.............Falling stars fulfill our wish as far as i belief i am not talking about others........

I also heard the same thing that if you wish something while seeing a falling star your wish gets fulfilled. :)
It is really a pleasant to watch stars but you indicate starts.I think it will stars.In metro politician cities you are not able to see lots of stars but if you move to village you find a lot more stars than here..........
It is really a pleasant to watch stars but you indicate starts.I think it will stars.In metro politician cities you are not able to see lots of stars but if you move to village you find a lot more stars than here..........

That's true i can't see stars from my house without going at the roof even don't get time also to see the stars a night but that is what we should do as it relaxes mind. :)
No this type of wish to those falling Star is not True as i see 3 time and also make wish but till now no wish is fulfilled......
No this type of wish to those falling Star is not True as i see 3 time and also make wish but till now no wish is fulfilled......

I don't know if it is truth but old people say it may be its another example of superstition. :)
Ya friend i also heard the you demand any thing from falling star....................
I also think the same............Because my no wish is fulfilled...........
Yes when some one dies in young age leaving little children behind, people tell those children your parents have become stars.

Yes that's true my parents also used to tell me in childhood that when someone dies become star after they die.I don't know if it is true. :)

It's just to make them comfort...also not to miss them

Meera sandhu
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