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If you make plans to purchase land, just try to find plots under developing or just it will be cheap nor far away from town or city. After 5 or 10 years, you can see your investment doubling many folds.
If we try to buy highly rated plots now, it will be more expensive, also, we can buy a small plot. But with the same money, we can buy more developing plots. Isn't it???

Meera sandhu
Yes, investment of platinum is waste because once we purchase a jewellary of platinum it cannot be sale like gold knowledge is also the same that resale value of platinum is low. But if gold, we get the same market price. Isn't it?

Meera sandhu
Ya for buying more developed plot we need more money and but after 3 or 4 years it price get doubled.......
The best investment options include diamonds to day apart from traditional white diamonds but yellow and brown diamonds are better options.

I am sure they are sunil, gold and platinum too are as good investments.But, I am told that unless you have a certificate it is very difficult to sell diamonds and most old timers have no such document ( just what I heard and have no personal experience )

No yaar..
Never go for's the worst of all investments...

Once, we asked in a Diamond-Platinum showroom about Platinum.
They told......if you don't want to sell it later and are keeping it for a whole life, then you can go for platinum. Else never go for it because it has less resale value. Actually, making charges are very high...also processing charges. So, Usha, never go for platinum.

that is not so sandhya, my daughter had a platinum chain and pendent and she sold it for a very good margin recently with absolutely no hassle...In fact, in most foreign countries Platinum is the preferred metal for jewlery..

But I don't know why the jewellery shop told me so :huh: :huh: :dry:

Are you talking about platinum or white gold???

Sandhya , White gold is something else all together , whereas Platinum is the most expensive metal much more expensive than gold and probably in your city it is still not as popular like it is in most metros...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

It is more popular but its return value is not so good as gold.
If you make plans to purchase land, just try to find plots under developing or just it will be cheap nor far away from town or city. After 5 or 10 years, you can see your investment doubling many folds.
If we try to buy highly rated plots now, it will be more expensive, also, we can buy a small plot. But with the same money, we can buy more developing plots. Isn't it???

When you buy land for investment you always buy it in areas that are yet to be developed and would see a growth in say 5 years time.But if you are looking for a site or an apartment for you to live in, then it is wiser to have it at a convenient place , closer to amenities..
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Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

If you make plans to purchase land, just try to find plots under developing or just it will be cheap nor far away from town or city. After 5 or 10 years, you can see your investment doubling many folds.
If we try to buy highly rated plots now, it will be more expensive, also, we can buy a small plot. But with the same money, we can buy more developing plots. Isn't it???

Why should I wait for 5 or 10 years to double my investment if I can do in a year!

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If you make plans to purchase land, just try to find plots under developing or just it will be cheap nor far away from town or city. After 5 or 10 years, you can see your investment doubling many folds.
If we try to buy highly rated plots now, it will be more expensive, also, we can buy a small plot. But with the same money, we can buy more developing plots. Isn't it???

Why should I wait for 5 or 10 years to double my investment if I can do in a year!

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Meera sandhu
If you make plans to purchase land, just try to find plots under developing or just it will be cheap nor far away from town or city. After 5 or 10 years, you can see your investment doubling many folds.
If we try to buy highly rated plots now, it will be more expensive, also, we can buy a small plot. But with the same money, we can buy more developing plots. Isn't it???

Why should I wait for 5 or 10 years to double my investment if I can do in a year!

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If one is good at it, there is nothing like share market.One can easily double ones investments in a years time, but ( this is a big BUT )one has to have the confidence and the acumen for it..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

If you make plans to purchase land, just try to find plots under developing or just it will be cheap nor far away from town or city. After 5 or 10 years, you can see your investment doubling many folds.
If we try to buy highly rated plots now, it will be more expensive, also, we can buy a small plot. But with the same money, we can buy more developing plots. Isn't it???

Why should I wait for 5 or 10 years to double my investment if I can do in a year!

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Through using whatever grey matter I am born with!!
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