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Usha when you posted 50 words you will get 5 points less than 50 words they wont give any points.

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Usha when you posted 50 words you will get 5 points less than 50 words they wont give any points.

This is fifty key strokes and not words. Thus alphabets and free space between words also count. Words may be small or lengthy.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Usha when you posted 50 words you will get 5 points less than 50 words they wont give any points.

This is fifty key strokes and not words. Thus alphabets and free space between words also count. Words may be small or lengthy.

Isn't it better to have different gradations like 1 point and above depending on the length of your post..At times you may not have much to convey ..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

That's true, characters and words have vast difference. 50 words may make a big statement where as same no of characters may have nothing to show. Most forums say minimum 60 characters to qualify.

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Sorry Gulshan ji I forgot to say that character instead of words. Yes thats better to have this suggestion

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Sorry Gulshan ji I forgot to say that character instead of words. Yes thats better to have this suggestion

I feel they should change it and make it to 50 words may be then it may get rid of spamming as i have seen that just putting 4~5 emotions would fetch you 5 points which really is an insult of good quality post. :blink:
Ya you are right what ever the length of character the priority is the quality of forum.
Increasing the quality of forums will boost up our website to good postion so let us try to post valuable forums.

Friends please try to post valuable forum replies , at least the forum should contain 3 lines

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Increasing the quality of forums will boost up our website to good postion so let us try to post valuable forums.

Friends please try to post valuable forum replies , at least the forum should contain 3 lines

Sometimes, even a single word or animation can be worth than 1000 words.
Before our posts, we must be sure we are adding something worth for others to read. By this way itself, we can increase its quality a lot.
One sentence is also sufficient if it is able to convey an idea in a better way, also a simple way. isn't it?

Meera sandhu
Ya you are absolutely right and i say if through animation we give some lesson to other the it is also important.
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