

Giant Size heroes of our society This is my first post on this site about humans, but all of them are superhuman size, larger than life, larger than all of us. Why larger than life? Because they never let others reduce their size or importance....

A common factor about successful people   All successful people I know for long time have something in common. I know with my personal experience as I have worked with four employers so far in my long corporate career and found one thing...

Indian Growth Story in Electronics Sector  The developed world thinks that India is a backward country and you can find comments to such effect spread all over the internet.  But the fact is India is one of the largest markets of...

Today's scenario, Indian Education is more costly for parents and burdensome of students. Moreover, It is irrelevant. I would like to discussed major drawback of Indian education system. 1. Burdensome Lengthy Syllabus From primary school to...

Azim Premji Education Foundation I am sure that all of you have heard about Azim Premji, full name Azim Hashim Premji the founder and Chairman of Wipro which is a software giant of Indian IT industry. Azim Premji is not only a businessman but...

Introduction Since we all are different from one another, we all have different viewpoints and different belief systems. Our perception towards life too is very different. What seems real to us may appear to be fake to others and what seems unreal...

  The Mysterious  Incident at Akashdeep Estates – 11   Shalini Confides As we sat down for lunch it began to rain and it was no ordinary rain either, but a proper storm which apparently was quite normal in the hilly...

Due to our modern lifestyle, we feel that digestion related disorders are a common problem. Thus, we neither give importance to them nor seek any help to correct such disorders. Gastric troubles, acidity, nauseous feelings, heartburn, loose...

We can modularize the code in Shell Script as well as with the other languages. Separate the common functionality into separate functions so that they can be used anywhere in the script. Also this makes the big programs to easily...

Boddunan value your time and reward each second your spent here. For every activity on boddunan you will be rewarded with certain number of points which can be used for winning the contests. You can participate on Boddunan Revenue Sharing program...

A database is a logically coherent collection of data with some inherent meaning, representing some aspect of real world and which is designed, built and populated with data for a specific purpose

Are you a regular ATM user?? Then beware, ATMs now-a-days are doling out fake notes, which should be carefully noticed. Most of us  do not even check the amount that comes out of an ATM, its obvious that we believe that the computer does not cheat...

This article is to create two styles of Text effect to have a cold and hot colored Text theme. Open a new document of width = 800 px and height = 350 px in both Photoshop and Illustrator and continue with the following.( A_ ) Typing Text in...

Introduction to PHP PHP stands for  Hypertext Preprocessor.It is a server-side scripting language.It is an open source software and free to download and use. PHP files have a file extension of ".php", ".php3", or ".phtml".   PHP script:...

  Ever since Franklin Templeton in 1998 introduced the concept 'Systematic Investment Plan' in its portfolio of schemes for mutual funds investors it has caught on the imagination of the investors all over the country. The particular class of...

  Playing chess was not very fashionable among the youngsters some decades back. I still remember how some uncles of used to be hooked on to the chessboard intently looking at the chess pieces for hours and hours together thinking up some...

MECHANICAL ENGINEERING which is also known commonly as mother of all engineering because mostly all other Branches ,Topics, Syllabus and Concepts fall in it.It is the Oldest Branch in which not more modifications cant be done MORE as it is based on...

If you make a website or a journal, you should definitely signalize up for Google Adsense. It's one of the few programs you can really 'set and forget' - erstwhile it's there you don't really beggary to do often else with it.But there are shipway...

The ongoing U S Open Championships have brought in plenty of surprises and shocks but if one is to look at the end result Indians will be reasonably happy.  To begin with there were far many disappointments in store which many Indians would not...

Everybody has ever heard of spaghetti and eat it. Spaghetti is a type of pasta and looks like a long thin round strands. There are two types of spaghetti, the normal traditional "white" whole wheat spaghetti and spaghetti. Spaghetti made of wheat...

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