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Soon? The internet is already full of scams and such spying that can steal the sensitive data and can bring the innocent in trouble. There have been many incidents in the past.

Knowing that fire burns, a child may go near it. We can understand. Because, a child lacks the power of discrimination. But the elders have. Let's use it. Knowing that net is replete with scams, if one still uses it indiscriminately,it can;t be helped.

I often get many e-mails asking me to give some information as I have 'won' some thousand pounds. Well, I will really like to throw a party for all of you, when I get that much money in no time. But I really doubt if you are destined for such celebrations.
Soon? The internet is already full of scams and such spying that can steal the sensitive data and can bring the innocent in trouble. There have been many incidents in the past.

Knowing that fire burns, a child may go near it. We can understand. Because, a child lacks the power of discrimination. But the elders have. Let's use it. Knowing that net is replete with scams, if one still uses it indiscriminately,it can;t be helped.

I often get many e-mails asking me to give some information as I have 'won' some thousand pounds. Well, I will really like to throw a party for all of you, when I get that much money in no time. But I really doubt if you are destined for such celebrations.

This feature is common to all. Better avoid them
I think every technology has positive and negative effect. This is also true in case of Internet. The merits are numerous but demerits are less. They can be avoided if we keep some privacy while sharing our confidential data..
Recent case in FB.. one girl committed suicide with her family after her friend used her identity and share some photos of her as she is prostitute. If she could have maintained some privacy by using the privacy settings maybe this wouldn't have happened.
This truth has been revealed long ago. But with the time, people are drawn towards more and more towards internet like a moth attracted towards a flame.

One cannot separate good from evil, these are two facets of the same coin. You have to cope with it or go out of context.

You are right, nothing is only good. All this has two aspect. Bab and good. Flowers also have throne.
I think every technology has positive and negative effect. This is also true in case of Internet. The merits are numerous but demerits are less. They can be avoided if we keep some privacy while sharing our confidential data..
Recent case in FB.. one girl committed suicide with her family after her friend used her identity and share some photos of her as she is prostitute. If she could have maintained some privacy by using the privacy settings maybe this wouldn't have happened.
There are some security measures with each apps and one can implement, such as with Android OS, while on internet download, there is one option in its setting of security is not to allow apps from third party software vendors and with it one can find the real security as most apps will come from native store and all has been cleared of any such security vulnerability.

Thank you said by: Rajani K
I think every technology has positive and negative effect. This is also true in case of Internet. The merits are numerous but demerits are less. They can be avoided if we keep some privacy while sharing our confidential data..
Recent case in FB.. one girl committed suicide with her family after her friend used her identity and share some photos of her as she is prostitute. If she could have maintained some privacy by using the privacy settings maybe this wouldn't have happened.

True....there is rather a lack of awareness regarding usage of privacy settings and even if they do know about them, most people, especially young kids do not bother with them. They also need to be aware of the kind of photos and statuses they post online.

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Thank you said by: Rajani K
Now beware of twitter. Twitter can reveal your life history.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Now beware of twitter. Twitter can reveal your life history.

In my view all of them are diseases be it facebook or Twitter or any other. Now it must be remembered by all that nothing is secret or private in internet.
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
I think every technology has positive and negative effect. This is also true in case of Internet. The merits are numerous but demerits are less. They can be avoided if we keep some privacy while sharing our confidential data..
Recent case in FB.. one girl committed suicide with her family after her friend used her identity and share some photos of her as she is prostitute. If she could have maintained some privacy by using the privacy settings maybe this wouldn't have happened.

When you use FB and twitter, don't be very fussy about privacy. Being on social site, you can't be entirely private. Only you need be careful in divulging personal details. But even then if privacy is infringed, take that lightly.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I think every technology has positive and negative effect. This is also true in case of Internet. The merits are numerous but demerits are less. They can be avoided if we keep some privacy while sharing our confidential data..
Recent case in FB.. one girl committed suicide with her family after her friend used her identity and share some photos of her as she is prostitute. If she could have maintained some privacy by using the privacy settings maybe this wouldn't have happened.

When you use FB and twitter, don't be very fussy about privacy. Being on social site, you can't be entirely private. Only you need be careful in divulging personal details. But even then if privacy is infringed, take that lightly.

Playing safe is the Sutra that works. People should avoid over enthusiasm and divulge all their personal details will repent.
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
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