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If the person who is a good means we can accept our fault other wise we must not accept it.

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We should defend ourself,till a certain limit. When it comes to show the humanity,accept your fault.

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Ronark it also be problem when there is clash between him and us also it will be a problem.

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Yes, Ronak is right when you accept it means you were wrong so when you are wrong then we should accept but till then wait and watch.
Before accepting our problem we must wait for our time so it will feel us good.

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If something wrong is going to happen,to the person which hasn't done anything then if our fault is there,then its good that we accept our fault.

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It depends on the situation. Generally its better to hide our faults unless there is no harm to others.
Most of the friends are in favour of accepting our fault but how many do it actually.

Santosh Kumar Singh


This is really a good question. When it comes to us most often we fail to do it. I accept it very rarely.
If there is no harm to others we should accept our fault and confess.Mind will be free.
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