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It is help us to improve ourself better and we can shine in a better way.
It is very difficult to decide what is right and what is wrong since what is right for me may be wrong for another person, so the wise thing to do is what I think is right and follow my conscience.Self analysis helps us in making this decision , which may or may not be agreeable to others...

That's true! Every single's perception changes from situation to situation. The best course is to decide what works the best for you and then go about it!

Exactly , The problem with most people is that they would never want to admit and accept their mistakes , which is the basic step to be followed in self analysis.No matter how much of analysis one does, it would be of no use when you dont want to look into yourself and make the necessary changes that make you a better person...

actually, people know their mistakes by way of self analysis. But they will not admit to others. But this also does not matter if they improve themselves. But habits are second nature. even if you know your mistakes, it is not easy to change yourself.

Probably because of inflated ego and false pride, however even realizing that they have made a mistake scope for accepting and improving should be alright...

That is true, inflated egos and wrong notion about themselves is the reason why most people do not admit their mistakes. I also feel that unable to feel or see from another person's point of view is also the reason why many also do not think they are wrong when they are actually wrong!

Personally, i also do not admit mistakes to others unless necessary. But I still correct myself.

It largely depends on the circumstances , sometimes you may not need to ,but when something is glaring it is better to own up ..we see many of our politicians either tying themselves up in knots giving so many excuses making it even more obvious that they are wrong or pretend as if nothing has happened , both reactions dont help them...

It is necessary to admit mistakes only before the concerned persons only if necessary. Otherwise, it is best to make corrections and avoid similar mistakes in future. What you need is correction and not publicity of mistakes.

I agree with that, no need to make a public confession, as long as you are able to understand ...but on a public platform there are certain etiquette that need to be followed without which the whole system can collapse and more than anything it shows maturity in an individual when he or she is able to analyse ,admit .It gives a lot of grace ...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Self analysis is a best motivation and encouragement and discouragement and depression and disappointment in once life

I am totally confused by this, what exactly are you trying to convey , that self analysis leads to all of the above contrasting emotions and factors at the same time ? :dry:

I think sarala is talking about analysis that makes you feel inferior if taken negatively and good if it being done to make your self feel positive.

I feel that there is no inferior self analysis , since you are impartially and dis passionately analysing your actions and trying to look for reasons as to why you behaved in a certain manner with people things or place ...there is bound to be some negative implications which is to be accepted !

That is the catch... Its not possible to accept well by every person and hence they go in depression.

Yes probably the weak minded and extra sensitive people may go into depression,it also depends a lot on their environment and life style ,,

Small children and kids go deep into the depression. They are very sensitive. They loose hearts easily.

One cannot remain sensitive all through life, it is not a very healthy attitude since it limits your activities ..Instead it is better to introspect and make the necessary changes without feeling negative about it, it is all in the mind as to how best one is able to deal with sensitive situations in life..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

I came across this fabulous Chinese proverb "Think of your faults the first part of the night when you are awake, and the faults of others the latter part of the night when you are asleep" , which says it all...

Self analysis on our daily actions ,activities and interactions with others do help us grow as individuals, please add your own views..

Im the self development parlances self analysis goes by the acronym SWOT anaysis.
S-- strengths
W--- weaknesses
O --- opportunities
T -- threats.
Thank you said by: usha manohar
To me Self analysis is nothing but self help. Its a wonderful thing which motivate people

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

I came across this fabulous Chinese proverb "Think of your faults the first part of the night when you are awake, and the faults of others the latter part of the night when you are asleep" , which says it all...

Self analysis on our daily actions ,activities and interactions with others do help us grow as individuals, please add your own views..

Im the self development parlances self analysis goes by the acronym SWOT anaysis.
S-- strengths
W--- weaknesses
O --- opportunities
T -- threats.

Although SWOT analysis is extensively used in career and business work shop sessions, the basic principle works anywhere and everywhere in life..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

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