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Morning walk is good for health.In morning the environment is free from pollution and everything is fresh.

Sharmistha Banerjee
Because of our every day work we cannot walk in the morning time. Evening time it may be possible.
There is no need to spend time specially walking, just goto the near by shops by walk. Stop prefering vehicles for near shops and all

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Morning walk is really good for health. Due to this many advantages are there. Have any one heard about walking with bare feet.

You can see walking with bare feet only in villages. In towns, it is not possible.

Why not, late MF Hussain used to walk bare foot even on Bombay roads as well as in the cold wintry seasons in London.
Walking solves many health problems. WE can reduce our weight and even get oxygen to our body

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Walking four times a week, 45 minutes each time, an average person can lose 8 – 10 kg in a year with no change in diet.

Sharmistha Banerjee
But the question is how many of us go for morning walk. :blink:

I rarely see people in the morning when I go for morning walk some time.


These day less people go for morning walk. We are in habit of late going to bed and late rising. Usually, the retired persons who have no day work to do rise early and go for morning walk. They go in group and also gossip. At Agra, many oldies go to Paliwal Park, sit there for some time and gossip before returning home.

Yes its true my father daily goes for a walk and insist on for me to go along with him but as usual I say I will start it from tomorrow but that never comes.Its really tough for me to go because I have to get up at 5:45 AM daily and have to prepare kids for school as my wife remain busy in preparing lunch though she help me in doing my work once she finishes preparing lunch. :)

Walking with my pet has a dual advantage
To be frank, it really depends on environment also. Like these days i am in Australia and env. is so good for walking that you feel like going for it. Streets are clean. Whether is good. No dust. In India its really hard for you to walk to office even if you are in proximity.. Best time is to go early morning walk around 5-6 but we can hardly do that.. :( :(

Life is a box of Chocolate, You never know what you gonna get.... :)
Every one should have a walk of atleast 15 minutes. So that all the nerves and parts of the body get good exercise and oxygen. this activate our mind and body. Therefore, laziness go away from us and positiveness enter in our mind

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

If you have children, walk them to and from school as briskly as you all can manage.
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