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Walking stretches our mind and our soul. The oxygen that we get early in the morning also gives us great amount of energy especially to our joints.

Sharmistha Banerjee
Walking stretches our mind and our soul. The oxygen that we get early in the morning also gives us great amount of energy especially to our joints.

also, our mind is fresh and free of tensions. That's why this time is best for yoga also

Meera sandhu
But the question is how many of us go for morning walk. :blink:

I rarely see people in the morning when I go for morning walk some time.


These day less people go for morning walk. We are in habit of late going to bed and late rising. Usually, the retired persons who have no day work to do rise early and go for morning walk. They go in group and also gossip. At Agra, many oldies go to Paliwal Park, sit there for some time and gossip before returning home.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

But the question is how many of us go for morning walk. :blink:

I rarely see people in the morning when I go for morning walk some time.


These day less people go for morning walk. We are in habit of late going to bed and late rising. Usually, the retired persons who have no day work to do rise early and go for morning walk. They go in group and also gossip. At Agra, many oldies go to Paliwal Park, sit there for some time and gossip before returning home.

Yes its true my father daily goes for a walk and insist on for me to go along with him but as usual I say I will start it from tomorrow but that never comes.Its really tough for me to go because I have to get up at 5:45 AM daily and have to prepare kids for school as my wife remain busy in preparing lunch though she help me in doing my work once she finishes preparing lunch. :)
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I cannot able to walk in the morning times, because I should be there in office at 7.00 in the morning.
Forums are meant for discussions. If you want to discuss any topic. Write 2-3 sentences minimum 50 words. That will make your forum good. If you want add picture, etc. Anshul you have written a good article. You should submit it in article section. You will get cash credit for this.
very useful information about walking. you can write this as a article, if so you get cash credits. :). Anyway a warm welcome to boddunan.
Forums are meant for discussions. If you want to discuss any topic. Write 2-3 sentences minimum 50 words. That will make your forum good. If you want add picture, etc. Anshul you have written a good article. You should submit it in article section. You will get cash credit for this.

Anshul keep your post crisp and smart. If you have so much of information on a topic try writing an article out of it. Good piece of information! make it available to the visitors on the site too by posting the contents in an article.

Live in the present :)
Morning walk helps to inhale the fresh air.Fresh air is very good for our body.It helps us to be fit.

Sharmistha Banerjee
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