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Caste is very deep rooted in our society from centuries. The reformers and preachers like Gandhi, Vivekananda drew attention to its ills,and surely many reformed. But they are insignificant in numbers. If the broad masses do not want to change what can be done.Surely one cannot blame Gandhi and others for. At least they tried ans succeeded to some extant.

Recently 3 girls of a Medical college in Tamil Nadu had committed suicide, but no politician has gone there and no media is giving importance to the news. It shows that caste factor is more important in politics and media than the life of a person.

I don't think there is a Caste factor behind the suicide of three girls in SVS Yoga medical college in Tamil Nadu. They were protesting on High fees collected by the management and refusing to issue bills.

But for media attention we would have not come to know about the three unfortunate suicides in TN. Itis a case of apathy by college and local authorities which has contributed to this sad episode. National parties do not have a foothold in TN . The opposition DMK should rake it up. Blaming media is not proper.

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