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If we wants good friend then we also maintain a good relation with him otherwise one side relation is never going for long.
If money was the only criteria for having good friends then no one but moneyed people would have them. Money is nothing to do but understanding is the main point.

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If money was the only criteria for having good friends then no one but moneyed people would have them. Money is nothing to do but understanding is the main point.

Money and Friend has no any connection.If there is a connection then They are not a good Friend of Yours.......
We need not look for friends in true sense of the term. We are too busy for friendship. It is best to dwell on relation with neighbors, colleagues, associates and all those we come in contact in daily routine. Some of these may be good friends. Too much intimacy is as undesirable as bitter relations.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

We need not look for friends in true sense of the term. We are too busy for friendship. It is best to dwell on relation with neighbors, colleagues, associates and all those we come in contact in daily routine. Some of these may be good friends. Too much intimacy is as undesirable as bitter relations.

That's what matters in the end, the trust and relations. As soon as demands come in between or expectations, it goes bad. As we say "Jyada gud par cheente lagtate hain"

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Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
True Friend are those who does not need any thing from your side.They always ready to help you.Without any thing from your side.
True Friend are those who does not need any thing from your side.They always ready to help you.Without any thing from your side.

Yes,its true but these type of friends are very few.

Want to make each day Accountable

yes having friends who never expect things from other are very rare on this earth

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

We need not look for friends in true sense of the term. We are too busy for friendship. It is best to dwell on relation with neighbors, colleagues, associates and all those we come in contact in daily routine. Some of these may be good friends. Too much intimacy is as undesirable as bitter relations.

That's what matters in the end, the trust and relations. As soon as demands come in between or expectations, it goes bad. As we say "Jyada gud par cheente lagtate hain"

I totally agree with those sentiments . I feel that we all change with age and time and things that I like and do today may not look the same 2 years down the line.It is the same with every individual.Many relationships too change, and that's how it should be. For example : I am very close to my younger sister and our relationship has evolved over the years - whereas I was the adviser earlier,later we became friends and today we share everything with each other and in some matters I look upto her although I am younger...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

If you find a true friend,then you think you find a Gold piece on the Road.Now everyone search for someone.who fulfill my demand.If they fail.Friendship is over...........You only got real friend only at your school time after that is is very difficult.
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