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In my opinion finding good friends is not at all easy ! It is something that just happens , and cannot be planned.I have very few friends who I have been constantly in touch with and who I can totally depend upon...

before we complain about others, assure ourselves, we are sincere. :) :) :) :)

Then only we can find some good ones

Meera sandhu
In my opinion finding good friends is not at all easy ! It is something that just happens , and cannot be planned.I have very few friends who I have been constantly in touch with and who I can totally depend upon...

before we complain about others, assure ourselves, we are sincere. :) :) :) :)

Then only we can find some good ones

To get a good friends, first we need to be sure, that we are good and will respect that friend.

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To believe someone, first we need to study them without intimating them. After studying we need to test them then only we should believe them

Nice quote from a psychologist.

Sarala is a psychologist? that is nice ! :) I too studied Psychology :cheer: in college...The person we are studying too may be doing some analysis of his/her own about us without intimating us, just imagine the complication that might arise :laugh:

I am sorry to have not studied psychology ever but I have always believed that to find a good friend one has to be a good friend first.

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I have got some good friends and I am proud of them.
Aap sachha to sab achha.
To believe someone, first we need to study them without intimating them. After studying we need to test them then only we should believe them

Nice quote from a psychologist.

Sarala is a psychologist? that is nice ! :) I too studied Psychology :cheer: in college...The person we are studying too may be doing some analysis of his/her own about us without intimating us, just imagine the complication that might arise :laugh:

I am sorry to have not studied psychology ever but I have always believed that to find a good friend one has to be a good friend first.

Sunil, Of course, there is no need to have any degrees to develop friendship, we are born with the art of interaction and social skills.It depends entirely on us as to how best we put it into use...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Yes this may happen with money also. Which is a powerful breaker of relation ships.

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now a days it is very difficult to trust anyone.we don't get good friends who will stand beside you in all situation.goods friends are luckily made.there was a old proverb "a friend in need is a friend in deed".this has almost disappear.if we do something for someone then only you can get help.very rare it has been found that you re in touch of your very old friends.some may have gone far for study or for job and has no contact with us.friends are lost in this vast world.

Sharmistha Banerjee
I have made my parents my best friends. They are reliable and long lasting friends. If you really want true friend, you can also do the same. I have advice for you. Stop hankering after friends. Be confident and independent. I don't think you will need a friend. Just be neutral.
Yes you are right usha. It is very difficult to get good and long lasting friends.

:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
Yes you are right usha. It is very difficult to get good and long lasting friends.

:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

Sagaymary, do you have any unpleasant experiences regarding friends ?Please do share it here with all of us...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

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