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In a way it shows how our values are crumbling and we have only ourselves to blame when tragedy of this scale happens.Leading a sophisticated lifestyle is of course the prerogative of the individual.But ,unless one is clear about basic issues these things can backfire like it has done in Talwars' case. I see many families these days leading individual lives living in the same house often not even communicating with each other for days together. If you cannot make time for your family there is no point in having one..
absolutely, you are right, and why it is happening, and the reason behind it most probably financial reasons, and degradation of values and thoughts which you have mentioned.

In a way it shows how our values are crumbling and we have only ourselves to blame when tragedy of this scale happens.Leading a sophisticated lifestyle is of course the prerogative of the individual.But ,unless one is clear about basic issues these things can backfire like it has done in Talwars' case. I see many families these days leading individual lives living in the same house often not even communicating with each other for days together. If you cannot make time for your family there is no point in having one..

The wheel is turning full circle, indeed! A generation raised on this culture is forgetting their own parents settling in their luxuriant comforts in and outside India. Many cases which I know of, beggar description. The affected families and their aged members are all rolling in money in loneliness left to the care or lack of it of servants and domestic helps!!!
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