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We run behind money & forget to give time to the valuable things in life and very small pleasures like spending time with our loved ones,sleeping peacefully and so on... thats really bad.

I'm happy to see that you have identified this as a problem! Well done!

It is bad as it affects our life badly. We lead a life where work takes up a lot of our time. What we need to do is to schedule a time for the family to get together rather than giving all the time to earning more and more money.

For example, we can schedule Sunday as a family time. Everybody should be around to spend time together, to do things together, etc. If any member is unable to make it, then it has to be 'made-up' for on another day. That way, we will get to make up for all the valuable things and small pleasures that we tend to miss so much because of our busy life which accentuates so much around money and material things.
Anuradha wrote:
[quote]It's true that youth are inclining towards crime for money and the pleasure it gives. But why is that happening??? why can't we get good education,food,clothing and everything for a reasonable price. Why is that more the money more is the quality??? When there are disparities like this then it's obvious that youth go behind money. It doesn't mean that going behind money is a measure of greed. Youth are ambitious and very focused on their career prospects. But are we not ignoring the valuable things in life and very small pleasures like spending time with our loved ones,sleeping peacefully??? How many of us have experienced the beauty of sunrise and sunset with all the birds chirping in the morning and evening??? Everything is lost because we are giving more value to that printed green paper,which is lifeless. This is really pathetic but life is like that and should go on whatever happens because when our circumstances are like that nobody has any choice but to go with the herd and be ahead of time.

We need to spend the little time that we have together with family and friends which is very important. Sometimes just spending quality time will release some of the pressure of running behind money. Also, constantly reminding our dear ones that we love them, and would be much happier spending time with them rather than crying 'work' and 'money' every once in a while.
On the present day scenario i need to say yes that youth run behind money.Since this is a discussion the answer to this question cannot be just either yes or no. It needs an explanation.For majority of the youth , family and friends are the most precious things in this world , but we need to think for a while why youth even had to sacrifice the time they spend with these loved ones for the sake of money ,its because many a time they are left helpless and money plays a vital role to guard the same loved ones.
But then earning money should not go to the extent that you start neglecting the same loved ones. Thats when 'earning money' becomes 'running behind money'.
yes absolutely true that sunday is day of holiday but its also a day for part time work other days person may become busy on office work and routine works.

As per my point of view person do not only depend upon sunday they can select 1 or 2 hours daily to enjoyment with family so he or she will not feel work as troubleshooting.

If you are satisfied with money earned from your office then do not need to run behind money but if you get less payment then its become your requirement to earn more money.

so its depend upon person and situation to run behind money.

so those are running behind money its not bad for them to earn money.

Santosh Kumar Singh


Yes. Since a person has no choice but to spend a maximum number of hours in office to earn his living, he should at least spend a decent number of hours everyday with his friends and family. If it was me i would like to work from home so that i can earn for essential needs and also spend quality time with my family.
As Siddarth said, We can allocate Sunday as the time for our Family but there are people who I know, who work on Sundays for that extra money..When I ask them Why?? They said that they need that money to go to Discos and shopping malls and to spend it on their Girl friends... :ohmy: :huh: :huh: :side: :side:

I was surprised cos they get about 20,000 per month for their needs and they are single, but they need that money...Is this not pathetic Youth are allured towards money by some companies which give extra for people who work on weekends, but are they not spoiling our health?? Working night shift badly affects your health but it's manageable when you have those 2 days in weekends and if you toil even on those 2 days... :unsure: :unsure: :blink:

Then How can you see the valuable things in Life other than money, work, money and work. I really don't understand the strategy. Working for your needs is Ok. But working keeping your Life to toil is really atrocious. We should even blame the companies where they pressure the employees to work on weekends. We should have the nerve to say NO. Only then can you spend time for your family.


Your one click makes their day, please help them:
Money, Family and we all are compliment of each other so do make relation strong we need good money for life and make good career to make good money.

All hard work have direct or indirect relation with money so kalyug is story of money

Money ha to hunny hai...

Santosh Kumar Singh


If money is everything, why the rich people really aren't happier? Why is it that the people who have a lot of money seem to have the least happiness?
On the other hand the village people are much better off because even at the most basic level of material pleasures, where there is the least stress and absolutely no running behind money, they can find the most happiness.
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