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Don't worry, I have my gang, and I prefer to move with them only.. And I know they are capable of many things.. So no fear... ha ha

This is good for servants as they are getting good money for a person in a day their families can live happily.

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Don't worry, I have my gang, and I prefer to move with them only.. And I know they are capable of many things.. So no fear... ha ha

Now you understood.....we can't say all things directly to their face :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

@Anand.....I was just kidding.....

Till now, no union for home maids, I think so. But for other workers, they have unions. That's the main reason why big companies are not coming to Kerala.....high labour cost of 500-700 + strong unions.

Meera sandhu
I guess for workers it is same everywhere..

I know you were kidding.. But seriously, I have to travel to south some day, hope my friends make plan soon.

No Anand it is having variations from place to place and depends on cost of living and availability of workers.

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Well, I guess in big companies, workers always used to have unions like that.. Not sure.

Not in many places but the contractors will not send them to houses but only for companies.

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When we were at Kodungalloor.....union was for tree climbing people and dress ironing people.
Each area is assigned to separate ironing persons....and no other person can enter that area. We should call him by mobile and if he is busy, he will never attend it. Sometimes, we feel very angry since we can't give it to other person also. Sometimes, he will be busy for 1-2 months...particularly, his girl's marriage. But what to do? Rate also very high...... I Think 20-25 for 1 pair of dress 3 years back...and if Sari, he may ask 50 or 60. Also, he repeatedly asked me not to put dress in washing machine as it's difficult task for him. :angry: :angry: Also, you should see his commanding power. It's sure he earns minimum 3000-4000 daily.
That's why I told earlier, Kerala is best place for ordinary people to live.

Same is the case of coconut climbing people.....
It also has union.......
If the assigned person can't come due to any reason, another tree climber can only enter the field after getting a signed paper from the first one. :evil: :evil: . Even if it's our own land, we don't have the right to introduce workers we like. :angry: :angry: :angry:
If the land is sold to another person, he should be given 10,000 or 15,000 ready cash plus something extra. Now I can't remember it. :evil:

Once, our coconut climber fell ill and no worker was willing to enter our rented plot to pluck coconuts. Coconuts began to fall down and I had to keep my girl inside the home itself for more than 1 month with doors closed. She was only 2.5 at that time.

That's the union power here :sick: :sick: :sick: :silly: :blink:
Union power is high in corporation areas, but not in we are living now.

Meera sandhu
Well, That's how union works.. It is strong , and companies can do nothing about it.

Well, That's how union works.. It is strong , and companies can do nothing about it.

But, for one thing, we should appreciate them. They are given clear instructions about their duties and assigned area. They are working according to it and never enters the area of another worker...thus they are not breaking the rules. Perfect gentlemen!!!! :P
Isn't it...even if they are less educated or illiterate people?

Meera sandhu
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