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A true friend is someone who sticks by us when we are down and celebrates with us when we are up.

Sharmistha Banerjee
Yes but this is modern time so friends are so smart if you are rich then they are true otherwise no friends.

Santosh Kumar Singh


Yes but this is modern time so friends are so smart if you are rich then they are true otherwise no friends.

Right- aajke yaar kiske aye baithe khaye piye khiske (who is friend these days- visited, ate, drank and went away)

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

There are still good friends who keep helping us in bad times and share our happiness in good times. This depends on a particular person as to how he deals his friends. If some one needs dictating at times by friends there is nothing wrong, that too is helpful and in best interest of a true friend.

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True friendship is rare .it changes according to situation . Many come and go but real friends make a place in heart.
True friendship is rare .it changes according to situation . Many come and go but real friends make a place in heart.

Even real friendship can be temporary. I had some friends at remote places. There were definitely sincere. Friendship was true. But this was also temporary and lasted since we were at same place.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Friendship is like a diamond true or rare.It is like a golden thread that binds two heart together.

Sharmistha Banerjee
Friends best example of friendship is like that of Shakespeare's character in the drama "The Merchant of Venice", Antonio and Bassanio. They were true friends and such friendship never comes to an end.
Sacrifice, Sharing, Love, are the qualities of friendship. We can share anything or everything to a true friend. :) :)
Sacrifice, Sharing, Love, are the qualities of friendship. We can share anything or everything to a true friend. :) :)
Yes you are right,it is such a relation with whom we can share all .
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